I live in Luzerne County and as of yet drilling isn't even close to begining. However, I heard that there is a strong possibility that the o/g companies will be knocking on our doors in the not too distant future. Since I own a little over 100 acres of undeveloped land, I'd like to learn as much as I can before hand.  My first question to all of you is this, how does the process of land renting/leasing begin? Does the o/g companies contact you or must you contact them to let them know your interested in renting/leasing land to them.


I appreciate any information anyone will be willing to share with me. As I become more fimiliar with the shale project I'm sure I'll have more questions and I can't think of anyone better to get advise and information from then people who are and have gone through this.



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I have been unable to find a group in Luzerne County, do you know of a web site?
The Back Mountain Community Partnership is one of the groups. I have been looking for information to see when the next meeting will be held.

They just met on June 18th with concerns for establishing water table information but I'm not sure when the next meeting is.

Have you found any information you can share?


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