July 9, 2013
Today I signed Senate Bill 259, which amends Act 60 of 1979, commonly referred to as the Guaranteed
Minimum Royalty Act. This legislation provides enhanced transparency to owners of oil and gas interests
by requiring, at a minimum, that certain information which pertains to the payment for oil or gas production
be disclosed on a royalty check stub or other means provided to the interest owner on a regular basis.
These are important steps to better inform landowners and leaseholders regarding the production occurring
from their property.
I am aware of several questions and concerns which have been 'raised with regard to Section 4 of Senate
Bill 259, which added a new Section 2.1 to the underlying statute. By signing this legislation, it is my
intention, and I believe that of the General Assembly, to enhance the efficient development of oil and
natural gas while safeguarding the rights and protections of landowners and leaseholders.
It is not my intention to alter or affect the common-law Rule of Apportionment, or to alter or affect the
agreed-to terms of any existing lease. I believe the constitutional protections which guard against legislative
impairment of contracts serves as an added backstop to these concerns.
Moreover, I do not believe anything in Senate Bill 259 expands the ability of an oil or gas operator to define the size of a drilling unit, or to expand the ability of any operator to hold by production any parcels of leased land. Instead, the legal clarity provided by this legislation will further minimize environmental impacts and
surface disturbance associated with oil or gas development; maximize the economic benefits of royalties
realized by landowners and leaseholders; expand the number of royalty owners in the Commonwealth by
encouraging the efficient development of oil and gas resources; and ensure that landowners and
leaseholders are compensated fairly.
I look forward to working with members of the General Assembly on additional, future steps to ensure that the interests of landowners are paramount.
A Democrat governor? You mean like (former) Governor Rendell! Fast Eddie would be outraged if you labelled him a Republican!! But he was good on drilling.
Truth is, with a Democrat governor you would have to examine carefully the individual. There are, as you suggest, Democrats who would impose a drilling moratorium in PA. Other Democrats are smarter than that. The only way to be sure, though, is to vote Republican. The Republicans will not shut down drilling.
Frank, I would rather have them shut er down than to have my gas stolen from me, and my property raped... we need a balanced approach, and i think the republicans only see the industry side of the equation.. so, i say look at the man and ask him his stance on the landowner 's rights and go from there.. republican or democrat... vote for the landowner protection... enough of blindly supporting the industry... thay already have too much in their favor now. sorry Frank... but i do believe you have good intentions though...
oh, also, Frank, if we re=elect Corbett as governor, doesnt that make him a lame duck? unable to run for office again? Therefore, he would have no reason to care what his voters think, as he wouldnt care if they vote for him again. So, in essence the only ones with influence then would be those with things to offer him that would benefit him after he leaves office... ie. consulting jobs, speaking wngagements, lobbiest.. etc. get my drift?
so I think we should get a new guy or woman in there. Someone that wants the job for a second term and therefore needs to look out for his/her constituents.
Or woman? You mean like PA AG Kathleen Kane? She is today the most prominent Democrat woman politician in PA. But Kane, in an interview with the Allentown Morning Call, expressed support for a drilling moratorium. She is freaked out by NG drilling here in PA. Give her the power and she will halt it pronto, then go to Albany and pow-wow with Cuomo. Their goal? A permanent ban on drilling for NG in both states!!
I wrote earlier and I was right: With any Democrat you have to examine closely the individual. Putting any Democrat into office will place our prospects at serious risk. There are some real nut cases in the base of that political party!!! And they have influence!!!!!!!!!!
See my long reply to Frank Walker. The Democrats you speak of do not understand the engineering problem, so their mental reflex tells them to completely stop the activity. They do not understand if they halt drilling completely; then the drillers cannot learn how to do it right, with minimum impact on the environment. Educate them, and meanwhile find Republican candidates who are friendly to land owners.
Not true Jason, drillingand fracing in Pa took place long before Corbett took office... remember?
Well NIcholas, I doubt you will recieve anymore requests for addendum... they just got what they wanted last week! Thanks to Corbett and that jerk Everett
They sure did !
Thank You, Nicholas
Not true Jason, that aint gonna happen... and there is track record to prove it... fracing been going on long before republicans took office and started giving everything away to the O&G companies...What you offer is unwarranted scare tactics...
And like i said... if it comes down to the O&G companies stealing my gas to create a few jobs on MY property, and creating great wealth for the executives of said companies... Ya, i said steal my gas? I would rather they shut down the whole damn thing! Thats how I feel...
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