Cuomo: Fracking Not an Emotional Decision (tell that to those who have had their mineral rights removed)

Moments after casting his primary ballot this morning, Governor Andrew Cuomo said he will not make an “emotional decision” on fracking.

“You can have academics and scientists with research stand up and argue passionately pro, and you have them arguing passionately against, so it is a complex issue,” he told reporters. “But I want to do it on the science and not the politics.”

Cuomo's primary opponent, Fordham University law professor Zephyr Teachout, has said she would ban fracking on her first day as governor. Cuomo has put off making a decision on the state's moratorium on fracking, which is now six years old, citing ongoing studies of the health impacts of fracking.


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This is flat-out disingenuous, which given his lineage is no surprise.  A six year moratorium is a de facto ban by any other name.  Anyone who operated in New York has effectively lost their chance to recover from this six year "study" that has yet to yield any significant results either in support of or against a permanent ban.  He should tell the people at Norse Energy that it isn't emotional.

New York Democrat voters were yesterday faced with a choice between the extreme left, with Cuomo, and the completely insane out of my mind left, with Zephyr Rain Teachout (love that name).

What's noteworthy is the number of upstate (excepting Buffalo) New York Democrats who opted for Teachout.  State wide, she actually garnered more than one third of the vote!!!

Cuomo's victory came owing to Democrat voters in Erie County, NYC, and LI.  Teachout easily carried Tompkins County, taking SEVENTY PERCENT of the vote there!!

Teachout is not completely insane.  She opposes common core.  You have to agree with her on that.  It's regarding drilling, though, that her insanity shines through so vividly.  So you figure over a third of NY Democrats are unalterably opposed to drilling.  And many Democrats who voted for Cuomo agree with those Teachout voters.

Drilling in NY?  Not gonna happen any time soon.  Newly revealed Utica sweet spot in (upstate) NY? Not gonna be tapped any time soon.

Finally, you have to wonder about the impact of this election on Cuomo's Presidential aspirations, should Hillary opt out.  Cuomo took only 60% of the Democrat vote in his home state!!  That is not a strong showing!

Its not an emotional decision, its political.  And who pays the most, the enviro nutjob left.


Very true.

Until there is the political will in Albany the ban will not be lifted.

Of course the Governor is the most visible face in this discussion. But there isn't a lot of effort being made to lift the ban by many in the legislature.

The reason ? As you point out - money. The environmental left is very good at raising money and distributing it to those politicians that support their causes.

There are organizations in NY working for landowners to lift the ban. Unfortunately there clout is not as strong as the anti shale development folks. Hopefully these organizations can gain in strength and influence, but that will only occur if people get involved.

The members of the environmental movement are very motivated and work continuously to promote their causes. People who support landowners rights and shale development in NY need to become as or more motivated for things to change for the betterment of the people of NY.

The tail wagging the dog. Millions of bent libs in NY City sucking up energy and the hell where it comes from.

The Landowners of NY need to get a powerful law firm and show how this is a flat out "taking" without compensation.  "If I cant harvest the minerals from my land pay me for them Governor."

Jesse, with due respect, this just shows what type of person you are.  Sort of the hell with everyone else as long as I have mine and see you in 2030.  Have a little respect for landowners in NY, they are being abused.  Please don't abuse them again.

Put it this way if they are successful in outlawing fracking for good in NY you're next in pa for all that special interest money to outlaw it in pa

If we can re-elect Governor Corbett things should be good for at least another four years.  If not . . well . . there will be a rather concerning Wolf at the door!!

Corbett is dead in the water.


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