I was just wondering why no one has posted anything about CX energy holding an informational meeting at the Grove City High School Auditorium this Thursday at 6:30pm. 9/12/2013 ?

I was not in the first signing with them last year and was sort of glad I didn't go through the disappointment that the ones that did sign went through. It looks like they are trying to sign new members.

Any thoughts?

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Some landowners in Mercer County were counting on this [expertise]

It is because middlemen are never needed unless they serve a purpose otherwise a good attorney will do and only for their hourly fee.


Thanks for the insight. I have followed this whole thing from the start with CX and will watch to see what happens. $$ talks as we all know but a solid lease is what I am looking for. I heard a few neighbors received post cards from another leasing group. Seams like the interest in southeastern Mercer county is picking up a bit. At least I hope....

Fang F Fang,

[1st-time user, forgive me if my protocol is off]  Could you please expand on why you believe CX are less than trustworthy?  They are marketing in Erie Co, PA and some of my family are anxious to go with them, as there seems to be no other action/game in town.  So I'd like to better understand what they have done or not done in other areas.  Some real facts and cases would go a long way in aiding the discussion/debate.  Thanks,


You may want to go to the upper left corner and search the old archives here when we were all unleased and debated landgroups.  For instance type  landgroups. 

You're right Ron. Research on many levels will serve to educate on all shale-related issues.

It's frustrating to see so many folks still focused solely on $$$ and %'s when a solid lease should include so much more for landowners.  Because 4-County is so rural, surface resource protections are just as important .  Those surface resources are another source of income ... from farms to fisheries, lumber, and tourism. If this is true for the aforementioned counties, then a slow and steady route will be the one that pays off and saves the environment.

For several months CX-Energy had meetings w/our group, spending most of the time focused on what clauses were dearly important to a solid lease venture from a business standpoint, and a "Hey, I want to still work and enjoy my acreage during and after  drilling is done."  standpoint.

Speakers have come in from Penn State's MCOR, and various Extension Offices and law offices focused on shale issues.  4-County has always been determined not to walk into anything blindly.  I see that same drive for "right action" in many on this thread and others.  Only once did audiences have to pay for a meeting and that wasn't on CX.  They pay for their own meeting places, getting the word out, and purely educational opportunities. As the laws and regulations change for our state, as technologies expand that affect the drilling process itself, pipeline and storage issues, stateside and global markets, ... these are things all groups need to be aware of.

Presenting a group's acreage in the best light is the job of any representation a group has. Technology has allowed lateral lines to double time and again since "back-in-the-day" leases. Hence the need  for larger and larger groups to "catch the eye" of major E&P firms. Looking for group representation that has successfully leased more than a few thousand acres, one that has an established, professional footprint in the Energy World (even before the Marcellus/Utica frenzy began) doesn't create an instant Beverly Hillbillies scenario, but it does give landowners more than a fair chance for a solid lease.

No one can control the quality of shale beneath us, the infrastructure necessary to market it,  nor the expanding uses for it. We do know the need for cheap and environmentally-friendly energy sources will always be present. PA has those energy sources!  

Many believe O&G activity is in a slump, or that there is none.  Perhaps they're looking in the wrong place. The action outside a beehive is nothing compared to what's going on inside ... behind the scenes.


 Smarts. Ask the questions. Learn the whole story re: what your representation brings to the table, and know what you have subsurface .  Patience. At lease-signing time be sure you get paid first.  Be sure the check you take to the bank is solely yours.


Thank you for the advice, much appreciated. 

Fang is correct. I am looking at a paid up lease in wpa for over $5000 and no i am not going to disclose the details unless someone wants to wager offline , pm me.
Rap, when would you like to meet? Again, i wager $10,000, right now. With due respect i am calling you out. Talk is cheap pm me now, this would be fast money for me.

Rapster, knowledge is power.  Who are you to me that I should GIVE you power for free, have anything to trade?  Your car, Dog, anything of value?

I laugh when I read nobody's asking for those who recieve royalties to post the $ amount.  Are you kidding, do you have any idea what amount of work and effort that I and my company has exerted to be in a position to have these leases?  And you think I should just hand them over to an internet being named Rap :')

If you are mad online, you write like this" I AM NOT MAD RAPSTER, I AM DISGUSTED.  Lighten up man, I am known for my coolness, ask Jasper.  Anyway got to go offline, all these hits and no one wants to play poker, have to go poddy.


CX is (or was) being sued for not representing landowners to the best of their ability.

I think groups really help landowner's get more money and royalties per acre.  You can also split attorney fee's for going over your lease.  Just like Fang said though, why not just create your own group so you don't run any risks.  

Good luck!


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