I was just wondering why no one has posted anything about CX energy holding an informational meeting at the Grove City High School Auditorium this Thursday at 6:30pm. 9/12/2013 ?

I was not in the first signing with them last year and was sort of glad I didn't go through the disappointment that the ones that did sign went through. It looks like they are trying to sign new members.

Any thoughts?

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I think this whole thread is worthless. We have a bunch of improvable, or at least failure to prove claims, and lots of opinions. I think it is clear that CX got in over their head against the big boys of Halcon, and they probably learned their lesson. I would imagine their next client will have extra lines to sign to protect their clients.


As for the offers, a couple of my neighbors with large parcels were offered $4k in 2012, but I NEVER heard of a $5k lease. Not saying it didn't happen, but I never even heard mention of it. You know why? Because the fellas I mentioned are the same ones who never leased because they were holding out for $5k! This is in Lawrence County, mind you.

As for my dad, yes I finally got Shell to surrender his lease. They HATE doing it. That is one piece of advice I can offer. If you or anyone you know has a lease expire, tell them not to wait. Get it surrendered so other companies see there is property opening up.


I guess I'm stupid on this but why would the prices rise when all the cards in Lawrence Co are held by either Shell & Hilcorp?


I just read a post from Lance Nimmo that his fathers land (and others) was released by Shell, yet they are getting hundreds of ROW leases? Why would they release some parcels and up the "ante" on others?

Shell is smart. They know there's no sense getting new leases with clocks already ticking on so many they already have. I believe once Shell suckers Corbett into giving them everything they want on the cracker plant and the pipelines we'll see things pick up...


I think you're probably right about Shell's strategy. However, it could end up biting them in the "a.."..What's to keep some shrewd entity from coming in and tying up some of these parcels that could be very important to Shell's development plan, could end up costing them a great deal more down the road..I'm wondering what's gonna happen down the road when all the Hilcorp leases signed in just a few days comes due..Several hundred, maybe thousands,..I don't think that many will accept anything less than the extension rate of $3K per acre..

Chris, I think the thinking is that why would a company come in to "fill the gaps", when they effectively will not be able to put their own unit together. That's why I want EVERYONE who has a lease that expires to get it released at the courthouse. That is the only way of showing there is land opening up in the area.

Lance, Please keep us posted when your dad gets some offers. Best of luck.

He had two- $500 and $1,000.  And I will.

Hello Lance,

The wager is open to you too, over $5000 signing bonus Lawrence county, PM me.

Ron, I'm not into urinating matches, I apologize. I hope you have Willy Wonka's golden ticket on top of your precious $5k signing bonus. I could give two pieces of feces. I never called you or anyone else a liar. I simply stated what I knew to be true. Moreover, are the leases you reference Lawrence County? Why do you want everyone to PM you? Blackout the names, scan it, and post it. If you do not know how, have someone else do it for you. But to simply stand on your podium with Fang beating the drum is short sighted.


Btw, Fang, your statement seemed to infer that I was not intelligent.  I take exception to that. While I won't ask you to PM me and bet you I am, you should know better than be condescending to people who you have no idea of their intellectual prowess...


But please, keep this "worthwhile" thread of who's seen the biggest signing bonus going, it's really created a huge benefit to umpteen members...

Lance, you did exactly the right thing in securing the letter of surrender on your father's Shell lease.  Everyone in 4-County Group has been advised to request (or insist) on a letter of surrender from whatever O/G company that leased their land previously & is not held by production(HBP), or if it is coming off lease in a month or two. A paper trail in one hands that's dealing with their own property is very valuable.  It's something that should never leave the family's hands.

It's been the experience of our members that once requested most companies will comply in a timely manner, and if not use the phone, etc.. Not using terms like "@ your earliest convenience" , but setting a 2 week response time possibly helped make your efforts so successful.  

While I agree a goodly portion of this thread has been less useful than it could have been, your mentioning the lease surrender document is important.  Not merely an opinion ... I have seen the ease it's presence has brought to future leasing ventures whether in a large group setting like 4-County's or in smaller ones that include only a few townships.


Janice is it true that CX is
Suing landowners that had signed
With CX?


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