Democrat Party Presidential Platform - Ban Hydraulic Fracturing!

You've seen the "Trolls" come on this site and spread misinformation about HilLIARy Clinton's position on Hydraulic Fracturing (she's opposes it's use).

The following article is more proof that the far left zealots are taking more and more control of the Democrat Party. Their position is that Democrats are against oil and gas development. So, if you vote Democrat for President, then I think it's fair to say that you oppose oil and gas development.

Daily Caller News Foundation

MoveOn.Org Petitions To Ban Fracking In Democratic Party Platform

Chris White

A petition recently filed by environmentalist Brad Johnson on seeks to “ban fracking in the Democratic platform.”

The anti-fracking screed goes on to admonish the Democratic Party to push harder “against dirty energy and for a climate-safe future,” and the only way to do that, the petition states, is for the party to immediately call for a moratorium on fracking.

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Democrats are categorically insane.  And given their current high level of power and influence in this country, they are well positioned to immolate America.


Immolate - great word!

I understand the people on the left in the Democrat Party, they are just following through with their belief. What I don't get is the average everyday Democrat following along behind the whackos.

Is it that these people don't have the courage to admit the party no longer represents their values? Are they afraid to leave the party? If so then I suggest they take heart in the words of the great Ronald Reagan - (I paraphrase) I didn't leave the party, the party left me.

I think most Americans, Republican and Democrat, are ideologically about the center of the political spectrum. Which means, without the party label we all agree on most issues.

We need to reject the extremes. In this case the extreme left of the Democrat Party.


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