If you were paid your bonus please let us know. We are all due by the first week of November!

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Jim, the last time they paid they had a large meeting and handed out the checks. It was on WKBN. One guy got a big check (literally) like the pro golfers for over $800,000!

John send me an email to landownerslease@hotmail.com

Hillcorp paid out one month ahead of deadline in my area! Maybe Halcon will too.

Talked to CX and they said deadline is Oct 19. 38 days 'til then!

34 banking days to go!!!!!

30 and counting.

I would be very nervous if I were in Mt. jackson 4 group. Leases for 42000 acres were very good. Nevertheless, Halcon not currently leasing in Venango County but they are drilling a well on Valley Road in western Venango County.  Apparently they are not leasing any further acreage until this well comes in. I assume that if well is a dud, they will not offer to lease further property in Venango County and they might decide not to fund the leases for Mount Jackson 4. Floyd Wilson on September 5 gave rosy presentation about Halcon's activities in Mercer/Venango Counties. Hopefilly I am wrong in my concerns. Though I own no property in Mercer County, as a former resident, I hope and pray all of Mt. Jackson 4 group get paid in full. Mercer Co. needs it, Sam Orr 

Sam, you turned out to be very correct as Halcon is backing out in Mercer County as we write this. Unfortunately prayer doesn't work and didn't in this case for sure.

My sister called me about an hour a go. They received their Halcon check today for ten acs. over by Jamestown, Pa.

That is good news. Perhaps they will pay at least all of group 1 of Mount Jackson 4.  If your siter is near Jamestown I suspect she may be in Greene Twp. From South to North; West Salem Twp, Greene Twp, South Shenango Twp, and North Shenango Twp all line up and all on the west are bordered by Ohio.This is all thought to be in the OIL Window which is the very.  best portion of the Utica Shales. As youmay  know Halcon just purchased Carrizo's 50% interest in 19,000 acres located in Trumbull County, Ohio and in Mercer and Crawford Counties in Pennsylvania. Addtionally Halcon said it would pay all the M&P/CX Mount Jackson 4 acreage in group 1. Among the acreage in group 1 was the acreage in West Salem and Greene Twp. I do not know how much of the Carrizo's 19,000 acres was in Trumbull, Mercer, or Crawford County. I also do not know how much of the Mount Jackson 4, group one acreage was located in W. Salem and Greene Twps.

(continuing my post)...Perhaps Halcon will pay all of group 1 of M&P/CX's Mount Jackson 4 group. In fact they have promised to do exactly that. The simple math is that persons in that group would net $3613/acre before taxes. (I have deducted M&P's 6% commission. I am certain that the aforementioned group 1 aggregates at least 20,000 acres and perhaps as much as 30,000 acres. 20,000 acres times $3613/acre equals something over $72,000,000. A lot of this money will get spent on things like new cars, home remodeling, and even homebuilding. I also imagine that farm equipment manufactures and selllersof that equipment will be happy as farmers purchase equipment they could otherwise not afford. Every dollar spent by someone is a dollar earned by someone else. Assuredly restaurants may benefit as well as a whole variety of stores and other commercial entities. Some money will be used to pay off debt and some will be invested in securities. But a good portion will be spent and that will benefit all aspects of the economy. It is a overall a very good day. And as more lessors receive their bonuses, we will see better days yet. I must add that as wells are drilled and as necessary pipelines are constructed, this too will create new jobs. So cheer up. I will close by saying that only the politicians can screw this up. I do not believe the current administration is in favor of natural gas despite any rhetoric do the contrary. I do not want any more of my tax dollars diverted to wind and solar and to political friends of the current president.The president is not a friend of any fossil fuel. I am especially in favor of natural gas because I own land in Venango County that may have gas. I am also in favor of gas because it is more environmentally friendly than either coal or oil. Finally natural gas develpment offers the potential to free us from dependence on foreign oil much of which comes from unstable governments in the Middle East, I fail to understand at all why the citizens of Ohio and Pennsylvania are satisfied with Obama and his policies. Lincoln said "You can fool some of the people some of the time." I hope without much conviction that this election is not one of those times.

I know I've seen a break down on this site somewhere of what the well description means as in name of well then say 16H then letters. what does the numbers and letters mean. Like I said someone put an entire break down of this on here a long time a go but I can't find it. Anyone?  


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