I keep hearing different stories about Ashtabula Co. What is going on? Is there any interest to lease or not?  

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I thought that Dorset/Richmond Twp were in the North East part of Ashtabula County.



Here's a link to an Ashtabula County Township map.

Must add Colebrook, New Lyme, Andover, Williamsfield and Wayne Townships to that list as they are also southeastern.

Check out the map.
To correct my reply to Snort - not most but ALL of Ashtabula County is in a Utica Oil Window of some sort or another.

Its very interesting to hear all the different opinions, and I do appreciate the replies whether good or bad.

From what I gather, I think Ashtabula still has a very good chance to be  productive. And I think it's probably a blessing it's taking this long. Many of us are still learning and when that guy comes knocking at our door we will be more prepared to make the best deal.






Just noticed on the Ashtabula Co. Recorders website  NELA has released most if not all their leases in Ashtabula County. Any one have an idea what's going on?


This can not be a good thing. Looks like the same thing has happened in Trumbull county also!!

Permalink Reply by Joseph-Ohio 25 minutes ago Delete

Maybe the NELA Leasehold Agreements are too environmentally restrictive to suit the field of prospective Lessees and none are buying in as they discover the terms impossible to accommodate while developing a well ?
What kind of terms are included in the NELA Leasehold Agreement that is / was being promoted ?

We're also sensing that (perhaps) the E & P companies that may be interested have enough to keep themselves busy right now and can afford to wait putting pressure on prospective lessors - you know - use the time to beat us up some more.

We would like to know more.


If what you're saying is true? Maybe this is a good thing if we want to start seeing some action.


But these guys are accustomed to playing hardball.

Could be their position is that if we don't give it to them and we don't allow them to steal it that they can afford to wait for as long as it takes for them to get it for nothing.

To me that would be reprehensible and not a responsible position for them to take as I'm sure we all see energy independence within our grasp.

Perhaps it would take a government moratorium on foreign hydrocarbon purchases to move it all along ?

What are the chances of that ever happening ?

Probably slim as I see the government as being in the vest pocket of the big corporations who envision controlling the entire globe.

Time will tell - perhaps.


1) The government wants to control the entire globe too.

2) They have found allies in one another - corporations and government.

The situation is pathetic for we the people and our rights of private ownership.

We need a lobby and like minded politicians in office.

Good luck to us with that.

A year or two ago a test well was drilled on the nw corner of State Route 45 and Cardinal Road. I do not recall the township. I believe it was drilled by Enervest. Does anyone have information on this test well?


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