Dr. Daniel Fine is a nice addition By John. A. Yates, Jr. Roswell Daily Record - July 8, 2017

The full letter is here-> https://www.rdrnews.com/2017/07/08/dr-daniel-fine-is-a-nice-addition/

"The recent article by Dr. Daniel Fine in the guest column of your Wednesday edition concerning the impacts of Saudi Arabian-led dismantlement of our lively domestic energy business via flooding the market with underpriced foreign crude from numerous Middle Eastern national oil companies along with other foreign producers like bad actor Venezuelan and Russian puppet oil regime cronies are making for difficulty in our New Mexican oil patch.

The impacts to the New Mexico state revenues derived from the lower prices have been enormous in their impacts to the current New Mexico administration and the state budgeters working through our elected representatives in the Statehouse.
The emotions of which program to slice out of the budget and all the unintended consequences derived from the Saudi Arabian led OPEC/non-OPEC producer groups acting to undermine our energy security is disappointing in the least and should be addressed at the highest level in the current administration in Washington D.C.

Hopefully, an investigation at the Department of Commerce will determine that the domestic industry is being harmed and the administration will implement quotas that would prevent foreign light crude from being “dumped on the market” and eventually foreign sour crude sweet would also be added for consideration for quotas.

The president is in Europe trying to convince the heads of various European governments that the USA can provide them with LNG (natural gas) to wean themselves gradually off of unreliable and politically unstable Russian natural gas; we should have learned long ago that the Middle East nationalized- producers have no interest in promoting our national interest of energy security and they have kept our country depending on them for our transportation and refining needs for decades.
This fits well with the likes of the large integrated oil companies that we are all familiar with who make money all along the value chain. The consumer would be well-served in the long run if we weaned ourselves off the undependable foreign sources of oil and promoted the domestic industry with these quotas on foreign crude."

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