I’m bringing this topic over from the shaleforum. Does anyone know the intentions of these guys? As of yesterday they have leased over 10,000 acres(April 2017- present) in Knox county. Some info from shaleforum members include: they are paying $100/acre for all strata and East Ohio Oil and Gas is a shell company for Western Land Services. Any other information is appreciated.


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Dang it James I choked on my coffee when I read your reaction , LOL

COLA sounds like a carbon copy of the ring leaders of the Knox County group of a few years ago, just another person wanting to get a cut out of the landowners share.

Off topic but saw a drilling rig operating just west of Mt Gilead today, first I have seen drilling in that area for some time.

From the Article:  https://columbusfreepress.com/article/cola-fizzles-out

I know Rob Conley..............................RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is full of BS  and is no friend to the landowner.

Yea Butch and Tusc county man everyone wants in the game and will take advantage of people whenever they can and the Amish are an easy target. Butch I spent years in that area of Morrow county. What you are probably seeing is a horizontal rig drilling the Trempeleau formation up there. The horizontal bore goes through the Orrie Meyers well. Google” Orrie Meyers Morrow county oil boom” . It makes me wonder if Cabot isn’t looking at the same strata under the Columbia Storage Fields.

  • James, yes that is the place. I always thought those huge tanks  along that road were a gathering operation? Are they for that one Orrie Meyers well?
  • A well close to that one, first one on left side of 95 west of Mt Gilead  has been pumped hard and continuously for a very long time. I go by there 4-5 times a week and it is always pumping. 

Yea the large tank was for all the Myers wells. I think there was 7 total but the pump jack just to the north is the “Orrie Myers 1”. The tank has been owned by many like Ashland Marathon etc. Directly across(south) from the tank across TR 133 the horizontal pad is back a lane. Looks to be 1-2acre from what a hear. 

On another note Butch, does your lease with Cabot have a clause for unitization/pooling? Is so does is spell out 40acres 80acres 180acre 640acres?

Here is a pic right across the road from the tank.

Looks like this would have been an interesting meeting last night. I see both sides but drilling through gas storage fields seems extreme when there is millions of acres elsewhere west of the current drilling in eastern Ohio. Did anyone figure out what Formation Cabot is targeting???


Well that was 30+ minutes of my life I can’t get back. Lol

Mike Chadsey, any mention at the meeting if this is Utica Shale or another shale?

Amazingly Cabot is getting stonewalled in Ashland, Holmes and Richland counties and landowners in Knox are signing up to the tune of reportably 50,000 acres. 

Says from the top of the Utica Shale down.

$25 per acre to ratify the original Columbia lease to include horizontal drilling and  Unitization. Ok I get why no one is signing that. Geesh!!!!

I heard of a few people that are attending the meeting tonight in Butler. Hopefully some questions get answered. 




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