Elections Have Consequences that Affect Oil and Gas Development

When a politician is elected, say a Governor or President, they usually have a stated position on Energy Policy. Most of the time these are made public and the politician works to have them implemented through the legislative process.

What is not seen is how these politicians implement theses policies in secret through the bureaucratic process. They place people in positions within the government which give them the ability to implement regulations without going through the legislative process. So, even if the legislation they propose is defeated by members of legislative bodies, these politicians can still affect policy, such as energy.

And so it is with President Obama. He knows he will not be able to have extremist energy policies passed in Congress. Instead he uses illegal executive actions and more dishonest manner by placing people in positions of authority who then implement the President's extreme energy agenda.

A perfect example is the Bureau of Land Management. The President and his appointed minions within the BLM have effectively prevented development of oil and gas on public land. All while proclaiming that he supports development.  The work of the subversives within the BLM gives the President plausible deniability. Which brings us to the point, the dishonesty of liberal politicians. For them, the end justifies the means. Lying, obfuscation and misinformation agendas are all acceptable tools when implementing radical agendas.

So go ahead, keep electing these far left radicals; elections have consequences. Consequences which may negatively impact your life.

The attached article is an example of such a situation.


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