Anybody sign a lease with these guys?  Apparently they are part of a large lease sale in western PA that is supposed to take place very soon. Does anybody have any info regarding the company and/or the large lease sale?


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Well, first of all, the Attorney General Office is involved with this company.

To get to the end first, check your addendum,

1. Additional Terms (f).

Recission Rights.: At any time prior to the sale, Lessor may rescind the Lease and have the Lease retitled in their name and all lease rights restored.  Upon the sale, the Lease and addendum are in full effect.

Write up your recission, and fax to 412-373-2364.  Not that this will cover you.

If you go to their site, you will see a Pittsburgh Office of 301 Grant Street, this is just to throw you off

the address is 310  Grant Street; they are not there. 

The phone numbers under the Irwin Office as shown are good phone and fax numbers.

As far as the address, you will want to send a hard copy of your recission to that address, which

you will get returned and addressee ' not found'

At least this you have for future reference, if need be.

This company is making a bad name for the leasing companies.

Good luck to anyone involved with EnergyUs



Thanks Terry.


But why is the attorney general involved with Energy US?  Also, what is the reason a person should send in a recission and why wouldnt it cover someone if that's what is said in the recission rights? The only thing I've can gather from your reply is that they have the wrong address. Please expand.






Have you signed with EnergyUS?

Yes, but the lease is only valid if they, meaning EUS sell the lease.  It is my understanding that there are a bunch of companies trying to sell all their leases together including EUS. 
you are better off getting with your neighbors, put some acreage together and going directly to gas companies.  you will get a better deal.  mark


First of all, did you get a copy of your lease back after you signed it?

Was the lease to cover Marcellus Shale Only?

This is what we were told, we got a notorized paper with such noted,

but were one of the lucky ones that did get a copy of the lease that was

sent over the internet.....

It includes both Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale....

We can start from there.......



Thanks for the reply. However, this post was only intended to discuss Energy US and the large western PA lease sale that is pending. Any additional information you can share on those topics would be greatly appreciated. 



This is what I intened on doing, but one thing at a time
Energy US is tied into the Snyder/Knapp/MDS lease sale.  It didn't go through in July, nor the recent sale on Sept. 8th.  The buyer probably got cold feet due to the downward spiraling of the economy and miserable gas prices................time to

I believe if you contact Snyder Bros., you will see that EnergyUS was pulled and returned.  Too many discrepancies and problems with the EnergyUS lease.

If your addendum with energyus, 1.Additional Terms, item j. refers to Recission to notify them of your recission.  Oh, and by the way, none of the addresses are any good, all correspondence will be returned.  Little Fishy????

If you don't do anything, agreement is automatically up 12/31/2011.


Thanks for the responses. My dad always told me, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  


I contacted Snyder Bro and MDS and no one would say if Energy US was pulled.  Where/who did you hear that their leases were pulled? Please share.




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