EnerVest Holding On To It's Ashtabula County Leaseholds (At Least For Now)


Just read this article attached to another post under General Shale Discussions.

Looks like EnerVest is holding on to it's 22,000 acres of leaseholds for now with the option to swap or sell later still on the table.

That to me translates into more delays

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Elliemae82...All I can tell you is that they offered to renew my lease that was up in Nov. 13

Dave, What county and township are you in if you don't mind saying? Thanks

Ashtabula....Morgan twp.   I should have mentioned that earlier I suppose..sorry.

Thanks Dave, That's the best news I've heard in a while. 

Im also in morgan township ,but have no offers. You say the offered to renew ,but did you ?

No I did not renew.. they wanted to renew for 5 yrs. Old "tail gate" lease I was not real happy with.


A link to an article discussing EVEP selling Utica Acreage next year.

Reads to me like they're still going to keep the acreage in Ashtabula County as I can't find it mentioned as for sale in the article.

Another link directly below seems to confirm things (as best anything can be confirmed in these matters I guess) :


What do you folks make of it ?


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