Has anyone in Tioga County, PA been contacted by Excalibur?  Received a letter they are currently purchasing oil & gas minerals, royalties and non-operating working interests.  Research shows they've been hitting on Lackawanna County owners.  Says to contact Jessica Barber at Excalibur.  Any info is appreciated.

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I am in the Liberty area of Tioga Co. I have had a lease since '06 but have not had any activity at all on my property. I have not been contacted by Excalibur . Last June I received a call from a different co. asking if I was leased and that they were interested in putting me in a unit. Heard nothing since. If I hear anything else I'll let you know. Theresa

Thanks Theresa.  Appreciate your time.

Check out their FAQ page:  http://excaliburroyalty.com/frequently-asked-questions

Meanwhile back in 2012: Excalibur Energy Corporation
Robert Baxter Wilson, III was the founder and chief executive of Dallas-based Excalibur Energy Corporation. Wilson raised nearly $4,000,000 from several dozen investors by selling interests in oil and gas development ventures. The ventures were real, but Wilson committed fraud by lying to investors about his experience and qualifications. Wilson also concealed from investors his criminal history and the fact that the Pennsylvania Securities Commission had accused one of his other companies of violating Pennsylvania’s securities laws. Wilson pleaded guilty to securities fraud and received a sentence of probation. He forfeited assets to the government that will be sold to make partial repayment of his victims’ losses.

Seems like another case of "If it sounds to good to be true....it probably isn't"

Francine, I wanted to let you know that Excalibur ROYALTY, LLC has no association whatsoever with the above referenced company. It confused me as well when I had a few interested sellers contact me and ask about it several months ago but I assure you we are not one in the same. The situation is however that this has proven to an unfortunate name choice on our part considering "Excalibur" is usually the only part people notice. We seem to be receiving some unjust bad PR about it.

Here are a few key facts I would like to point out: They are based out of Dallas and we have one office and one office only that it is in Midland. Their name is Excalibur ENERGY CORP and ours is Excalibur ROYALTY, LLC. We are a purchase and hold mineral company and do not have investors because we are privately owned and operated. And I know personally Jae Lewis has always been the only guy in charge from the beginning. 

I wanted to let everyone know that Excalibur ROYALTY, LLC has no association whatsoever with the above referenced company. It confused me as well when I had a few interested sellers contact me and ask about it several months ago but I assure you we are not one in the same. The situation is however that this has proven to an unfortunate name choice on our part considering "Excalibur" is usually the only part people notice. We seem to be receiving some unjust bad PR about it.

Here are a few key facts I would like to point out: They are based out of Dallas and we have one office and one office only that it is in Midland. Their name is Excalibur ENERGY CORP and ours is Excalibur ROYALTY, LLC. We are a purchase and hold mineral company and do not have investors because we are privately owned and operated. And I know personally Jae Lewis has always been the only guy in charge from the beginning. Feel free to visit our web site at http://excaliburroyalty.com/ 

Gee, that's odd because the letter we received was from Excalibur Royalty LLC in February 2015, signed by Jae Lewis, saying to contact Jessica Barber.  Could this be a scam?  The Midland, TX address, phone and fax numbers were also included on the letter.  The letter started by saying "Excalibur Royalty, LLC is currently purchasing.....so, are you or are you not purchasing oil & gas minerals, royalties, etc. in PA, OH, and WV?

Yes we are currently purchasing minerals in PA, OH & WV. My previous post was to clarify that we are not the company Ms. Francine so kindly associated us with by referencing them in her post about us. My comment was to show that the names are different and explain that we are Excalibur ROYALTY and the company she referenced is Excalibur ENERGY. These are 2 different companies. She posted a story about the CEO of Excalibur ENERGY being under investigation by the FBI for investment fraud and added a link to our web site, saying "It sounds to good to be true" but she was incorrect in doing so. You see, the thing is we (Excalibur ROYALTY) don't have anything to do with that company. We didn't even know Excalibur ENERGY existed until people started asking if we had anything to do with that mess.

Again I say the only part of the name people seem to be taking notice of is the Excalibur part, disregarding the fact the the rest of the names are ROYALTY & ENERGY and they are assuming we are both the same company that is currently under investigation. Yes we purchase minerals, yes we are located in Texas, Yes our name is Excalibur ROYALTY, No our name is not Excalibur ENERGY. 

Thanks for clarifying all of this Jessica.  Much appreciated.  My apologies for any confusion caused by my original post (although it was titled Excalibur Royalty LLC). 

It was my pleasure. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me, here or directly. 


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