Expo Shows Business Is Booming In Wyoming County Thanks to Natural Gas

If you were at the Wyoming County Fairgrounds this past Friday you might have been there for Ma Greenley’s breakfast burritos or sausage sandwich lunch, but most likely you were there for the Gas & Oil business expo.  The Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce held a business expo from 10a.m. -4p.m. where many natural gas related companies set up booths and had the opportunity to meet members of the public and inform them about new available natural gas jobs.

Meeting, Greeting and Job Searching

If you attended the event you had the pleasure of meeting employees of Williams Pipelines, Citrus Energy, Cabot Gas & Oil, Chesapeake Energy and Chief Oil and Gas just to name a few. With natural gas continuing to be developed throughout Pennsylvania its no myth that many new jobs are popping up and local businesses and benefiting greatly from the economic turnaround.

Read on for more about the expo, including some great videos at: http://eidmarcellus.org/marcellus-shale/natural-gas-jobs-at-the-gas...

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