Yes I know I am beginning to sound like a broken record. But the point that hydraulic fracturing is safe needs to be said over and over. Why ? Because it is the lynch pin of the anti shale development position.

Here is yet another study showing that hydraulic ,and shale development are safe. (Gradient Environmental).

A new, comprehensive report from Gradient examines two potential exposure pathways for hydraulic fracturing fluids to impact human health: upward migration from the shale formation itself, and surface incidents such as spills or other releases. Even by taking a conservative approach (which by design overestimates risk) the report concludes that hydraulic fracturing fluids “are not expected to pose an adverse risk to human health” and that, in the event of a spill, natural processes would dilute fluids to “below levels of human health concerns.”

The upshot? All of those scary stories we’ve heard about hydraulic fracturing supposedly threatening public health – and the alleged reason behind New York Governor Andrew Cuomo delaying approval of shale development – are not based on a credible examination of risk.

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Perhaps broken record is what it takes Mark.  Keep on keeping on brother!  We have got to keep the faith and tell the truth to all that will listen, and or read.  I had a positive conversation with a group today.  Showed them what frac sand looks and feels like.  It is rounded - not angular.  This is so the "proppant" does'nt destroy the well casing under the high pressure involved.  Just adding to your post Mark - not trying to change subject.  Everyone have a good night!


Thanks for the support.

The anti development crowd continues to repeat their misinformation. I've just decided to keep telling the truth.


The opinion page is for those folks that have blogs elsewhere and place them on this site.

We here are just expressing our opinions and trading information.


My posts are not opinion, they are based in fact.

You also have the option not to read what I post.


Repeating a positive message and the truth should have the same effect. The truth is easier to believe. Don't you think ?


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