The affects of shale gas is having more world-wide reach. Gazprom and Putin are weakened, eastern Europe set free.  Are the anti-fractivists Putin's best ally?

From the article;

The only thing that can save them is a political movement in the United States, headed by the environmentalist groups, that could cripple this strategic weapon. That central fact must be understood in evaluating the funding and activities of environmentalists.

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thirty trillion cubic feet discovered by Israel, offshore. they have offered to sell some to western Europe.  putin sells them their gas right now. could be building to conflict.   ezekial 38       that gas could be the 'hook in the jaw'  that scripture talks about.

Hmmmm.......Surely the Russians would never ever dream of supporting any movements here that would disrupt our economy or prosperity or foment any unrest.........would they? I mean they don't even have any spies here anymore since Barry threw out those seven a few years ago. At least they were kinda sorta maybe suspected of possibly being spies , I think. Anyhoo , do we really want our federalies taking time away from spying on us just to spy on these harmless folks?

they best spy on us. we're not harmless.

It always seems curious to me that members of this site so often make references to the Russian bogeymen.  I wonder if these people give due consideration to the fact that NASA contracts with this same entity for use of its Soyuz vehicles to ferry US astronauts back and forth to space through 2017.

What????   NASA uses Rusky rockets????? OMG! That dang Obama!!!

No kiddin' Dick Tracy,  We also generate 25% of our electricity from recycled Russian nukes. Plus other economic cooperation. Doesn't mean we're best buds or BFFs.

The Russians still have spies here as does Israel and most other countries. And since they have a long history of financing things like the anti-nuke movement and other social movements its not out of line to give "due consideration" to their involvement in stopping a technology that has the potential to destroy their economy and cripple them internationally.

Right Jim. The prize of all prizes would be to destroy what they fear the most...the United States of America! This has been the objective since 1917.

Guess you guys won't be wandering into Sochi in February for fear of being "destroyed" :)) 

No Sochi for me! :-)

My friend Johnny from the oil regions of Southern Siberia at Center.  She's in Sochi now helping to choreograph the Opening Ceremonies of the Winter Games.......and loving it :)) Just spoke with her this morning....


The path of the Olympic Torch for Sochi 2014. Note they aren't paranoid about having a huge US corporation displaying its logo on their map :)  My Russian friend Alyona took this photo and others as the torch passed through her city of Saratov last night.

The current administration does not believe in American exceptionalism, thats why russia sends our astronauts into space.


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