Geologist that published new ODNR map cutting Athens Co. fired.

Interesting article from The Athens News discussing the recent firing of Larry Wickstrom, the ODNR geologist that re-drew the oil and gas prime areas map. I've seen others discussing that this might have been an underhanded play to get leases on those lands for a lot less than they are worth. This makes me think there may be something to that idea.


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  Looks to me like a case of poorly-judged grand-standing on the part of Larry W. Hard to imagine anyone releasing an incendiary document like a revised Utica map without VERY solid data and the blessing of "Management".


You guys are still only looking at the surface...this thing involves big money, politics, and private enterprise...nothing is ever as what is being protrayed when those entities are all involved in something as big as the "Utica Shale."

Quick...somebody slap some sense into me... I find myself agreeing with Fang's comment!!!

It's a widely recognized maxim that "A" students end up being teachers, "B" students end up working for the "C" students who are wildly successful and the "D" students end up taking Government jobs because they are generally considered as being incompetent and cannot find real work in the real world. 

And this is the guy that you are looking to for definitive guidance when it comes to figuring out where the Utica Shale is productive???  If you placed any amount of credence on a government official to make your decision for you then chances are... you were the "F" student. 

Well Jim..since you can't believe your siding with Fang...I double that and say I can't believe I'm siding with you...well said! But LW's firing still goes much deeper than what is being disseminated by the political spin doctors.

Citizen/taxpayers rarely get the benefit of the real story when it comes to dismissals of public employees.  One of the downsides to being in the public sector as an appointee is that you serve at the leisure of the ruling party.  The reasons for getting yourself unappointed can be very political and very unfair.  Larry should have studied harder and become one of the "C" students!

    Public employees need to be convicted serial killers to qualify for dismissal. Even then, just like LW, they get "shelved" vs fired. I doubt that LW was high enough on the totem pole to be subject to political regime change.

    Obviously, he REALLY upset city hall! Totally agree with the grade comments. Few high achievers dream of a career in public service.


Thanks, if there weren't any opposing viewpoints expressed this wouldn't be much fun!

I remember a song from the 1980's...............the line in the song said "conform or be cast out".



The lyrics came from Rush's title track "Subdivisions" from 1982.

YEP.............a sharp tool in the shed


Wow. All that and he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night too!



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