What is happening with Hadley well?


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I will  guess a royalty check for the Hadley well based on your numbers would be about $175-$200 per mineral acre. I am not in the O&G business and have no way of knowing if my guesstimates will even be close. That being said, I would very much like to know if my guesstimate is in the ballpark.

Has anyone gotten any info on Hadley 8H? Has Chesapeake started royalty checks or division orders yet?  I thought something would have made known by now.

They started pumping Feb 10. Where is the money? This is really outrageous.

I have been told by "Lory" from Chesapeak that royalty checks should arrive in the middle of August (NOW). She said if I didn't get anything by the end of August to give her a call again. I am getting a little upset myself and if I don't see anything soon, I think we all should contact a lawyer! Lory's number is 405-935-7965 Call her up and let them know you are getting tired of waiting!

I haven't dealt with CHK on this issue yet, but I have dealt with Antero.  They are stating that the issue is with checking the title again before issuing Division Orders.  Because of the large heirship issues, it takes a long time.  I had a client whose old lease included language requiring payment within 60 days of marketing.  Antero still took very nearly a year to make payment, and that was only after we sent a letter on my letterhead stating we would file suit if they didn't pay.  Squeaky wheels.

I have been on hold for 45 minutes listening to the music at CHK. Still no info on checks as far as I know. Not feeling any love from them.

I live in tyler county but my lease is with CHK in Greene county Pa. my well was drilled last Sept.2013  Went into production on Sept. 24 2014 It took 7 month to get my Division orders. I also started out with over 17 acres. Now Im down to less then 10. why? 2acres just disappeared no explantion, almost 5 in some kind of title thing(there are only 3 of us in this part of it.divide 53 by 3 how hard is that? I hope you all do better but what started out with a lot of dreams for me has turned into not trusting any of them. Now I hear Rice has bought up my well.I did get some answers by emailing them though. I also got tired of being on hold. If you email them be sure to include your lease number, state, county, name of well, and your name. I now get around 900.00 to a 1000.00 a month for 10 acres. that's 18%. Was told the money will be held in escrow until title issues are figured out. theyre not figuring out now because they've sold us..(That's what landman told me)...go figure!!!!!!!!!

Any one get division orders yet on Hadley 8H?

No correspondence for me from anyone.  Preparing breach letter from attorney.

I received my Hadley 8H division order in today's mail.. so they are sending them out. good news for everyone.

Any surprises in the DO?


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