It has come to my attention that some oil and gas companies have been soliciting landowners making an offer to buy your mineral rights. If any person has been contacted or has done business with a company of this nature please contact me or post to this discussion. Again, this is regarding selling your mineral rights to a company, not leasing. Thank you for your time and interest in this matter. 

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I received a call earler this week and was offered 7k per acre to sell the mineral rights.

Brian, where are you located? Which company offered that amount?

Have You found any info on SELLING your rights?   What is the going rate for western pa???   Thanks!

I am curious...did any of you who posted a reply to Ms. Mayer's discussion receive a nasty email from her last night...I did...accusing me of messing up her investigation.  Hmmmmm...

do tell

I wasn't, in any way, "talking down" to anyone about selling their mineral rights.  I can certainly understand that anyone's circumstances could be so dire (family crisis, health issues, natural disaster) that they may have no choice but to sell their rights, land or possessions - but it should take just that level of need, to force someone to sell at such compromised prices - compared to what their royalty income would be, if they could hold on until they realize that money.

I'm wondering what the real value of mineral rights are in the Utica Shale?

In the oil window the numbers (on a good but not great well) are as such: net present value is around $15,600 per acre. This assumes a landowner royalty of 15% and decline curves that are, shall we say, generous. It's likely lower than that out west. In the wet gas window the number is lower (because condensate sells for almost $40/bbl less than oil). If someone offered me $2,000/acre for a half interest I'd be inclined to take the money and invest it. There's no guarantee that these wells will be productive or drilled quickly. Thousands of landowners will NEVER be drilled. Once a sweat spot is identified the oil companies tend to become more focused and spend less money on the periphery. Of the 14,000 wells in the Fort Worth Basin almost 60% of them are uneconomical at current prices. Those who sell their rights before this thing implodes (which is a possibility) will be laughing all the way to the bank. If this thing turns out to be profitable then they took a bet and lost it. It's a matter of personal choice, I suppose. Those of us who are conservative with our cash would rather have a guarantee of less today rather than the possibility of more tomorrow.

Thank you everyone for your comments! It has been extremely informative and helpful. I am curious of any offers you have received in regards to selling your rights! Please, the more posts the better! Thanks again for all of your time! 

You're tell me what your intentions are.

Here's a question about selling oil and gas rights vs leasing;  if one sells their rights, can they include the same type of addendum to protect the surface owners? Can you exclude compressor stations, regional ponds, foreign gas pipelines? Can you sell specific strata or depths and still own others? Can you write in better water quality control addendum? Setbacks from buildings? Or do you have to just sell the rights and hope that future owners have the wisdom to develop a good lease.

Don't really know the answers but selling the rights without good surface protections can seriously devalue the surface and ruin the lives of the people that live there.

Just as you can sell property with deed restrictions so can you include such restrictions on mineral deeds.


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