in butler, i have got data on wells going in, east to west is almost 4 miles, lets go 4 x 4 miles, 16 x 660. got maps by the state were the wells are going but they are gathering acres so no further payments. another person said i am in a well that is 3 miles north of him? o ya, 46% deductions i heard, bend over.

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totally lost on what you are saying  there is noway you could be a part of a wel 3 miles away from your property


    We get your point. You are being held by production using huge unit sizes. It's time to locate a Class Action Suit in your area or start one.

Those deductions will prevent you from receiving the 12.5% royalty you are due as required in PA.

Theft is a terrible thing to have to live with each month. Landowners from Texas to PA would agree.

Thanks for your input TAS.

Only 46% stat oil is taking 83% out of us in Monroe county, Ohio

the colonists knew what to do when they were being "overtaxed"


      The government didn't create CHK or how they have been cheating landowners from TX to PA. The past and present ceo along with the Board Of Directors that are running this operation are solely to blame. If we break the company in court the problem is solved.

I do agree that to date only OPEC has had an affect on this theft which has slowed down. Now we have to use the court to take billions while they make millions. This is a reversal of what has been done in all other states to date.

We are paying a huge number of federal employees to watch what we say and do, so sticking with the laws and courts would be the best way to handle this issue.

The criminals will eventually turn upset citizens into criminals if we don't use the laws.

Can you post the data?


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