I am looking for drilling info on the Henderson south 10 12 6 website, I have tried to get information but it is like pulling teeth, everyone says do not sell mineral rights because I am considered in a unit but will it be in my lifetime, just would like some up to date reliable information , and not sure where to go to get it.  

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2 of those 10-12-6 wells are producing right now. Are these wells you talking about in Harrison County?

Yes, that is the wellsite, production going NW ,I am in unit going SE, and that is my confusion , if and when production will include my unit


they are likely waiting on the MWCD to lease Tappan.........if CHK were to drill those SE laterals, they would probably want to take them all the way to the Eclipse Mizer unit........and for that matter, maybe eclipse will drill NW laterals from the Mizer pad which would put you in their unit.

but neither can do that without the MWCD leasing at least a portion of the state land that lies between the 2 Pads.

CHK is the same situation with the nearby Addy and Kidd pads - only drilled NW laterals with state land to the SE.........almost like they are poised to lease the lake. 

CHK is also looking at an area south of the lake which will put them in the same predicament, only in reverse.

MWCD says they will be working on a Tappan lease now that Piedmont is leased....but even if that takes a long time, I would assume that CHK will revise the unit and include the SE acreage to HBP before they would let the lease expire (or repay the bonus for extension) .

So my advice is to hold on - I think worst case is you will collect some royalty from the NW laterals - and even if those have declined, there is room for at least one more NW lateral..........but I think the MWCD will lease the lake by years end which will open up your location to drilling.

Thank you so much for the information, I am in no real hurry but just get a little frustrated at times with the lack of information I can find, and seriously being hounded to sell my rights, I had no intention to sell just would like to still be around to get some loyalties

Rebecca I talked to CHK a few weeks ago. I have a small pieces of ground just to the Southeast of the Addy well . I was told that our entire neighborhood was in a unit but not with CHK. I was told it was sold to another operator . We also border Tappan and MWCD land . I am curious to who it might be . My guess is Eclipse or AEP. Hope this helps .

Thank you so much, believe meg any information is helpful, just feel I am in the dark as to what is going on all around me

BBee - that is very interesting..........I think you could check at the recorders office to see who your lease was assigned to (if CHK is telling you the truth).....hard to believe you're "in a unit" but if you are, then it would surely include state land...........it may shed light as to who is vying for the Tappan leasehold.

could be anyone.......if it were to go for $10k/acre that only totals $74MM.....AEP, Eclipse, Chevron and CHK are drilling close......even GPOR's Boyscout is just down the road at Clendending.

Booger I have talked to the recorders office a while back. That lease has been sold or transferred 4 times over the last few years. Hard to say who has it now. All CHK said is the property and all my adjoining neighbors were in a unit and someone other than CHK was going to be the operator . He made it sound as if it was traded off or sold .My question is this . Is all of the acreage in our area already divide up into units and the operators are able to look at a map and divide them up among themselves how they wish ?

Looking at the new AEP units to the east of Clendening they both have MWCD land in them which is GORP, I think.  So they seem to be working together to get the land drilled most effectively.  IMHO, that is why a lot of companies with small holdings have sold out, you have to play well with others to make this work.

you're right..........seems like Aubrey and CHK will be in the game together..........wonder how well they will play together given the history........I guess it's all business....and I believe AEP will be renting a handful of drilling rigs from CHK soon. 

The new Rice Energy map shows AEP with a nice chunk of land across the center of the county .

cool map Bee.........if they hold the majority of land in the area shown, then I do believe they will go for the Tappan lease.


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