I recently watched the movie "Hillary's America" I recommend every American see that. It explains the history of the democratic party and the rise of the Clintons. It talks about their views on the oil and gas industry and the war on coal and fossil fuels. I came away from that movie enlightened and disturbed. If she becomes our next POTUS we are in for trouble on a biblical scale. Our country will cease to exist as we know it. Has any one else on site seen this? 

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Hello carp

Please do your best to factor in that the "inside news" you are hearing about the Trump campaign is being reported and filtered by entities, certifiably within the DNC sphere, which vehemently oppose Trump's candidacy.

I've seen this movie before and I know the plot.  Tried to convey a little history elsewhere when I wrote about Reagan and Reykjavik and the earthquake it all caused at the NY Times.  They went absolutely BANANAS!!!!  And they were later, unsurprisingly, proven 100% wrong.

Take this to the bank and feel free to quote me if you wish:  There is much the liberal mind simply lacks the capacity to comprehend.  And one cannot teach calculus to a cat!

Is it oil Hillary has on her mind in this photo?  Or is she thinking about natural gas?  This you must decide for yourself.  Frankly, I don't believe she is contemplating either one of those two things.  But she does appear to be checking out two other rather interesting items:


Thanks for posting the picture. I'm sure the pro Hillary folks will complain, but I found it funny. A little levity on this site and in the mist of the campaign season is welcome.

I actually think that Hillary was thinking about oil and how she might use it in this situation.


Barry, I'm not gonna touch that, not even with the proverbial "ten foot pole"!!

BTW, Christina was heard to comment, following that incident, about how Hillary was "checking out my boobs".  And you wonder why poor Bill has a roving eye!

Anyway, my title for that photo is "Beauty and the (Hilda)beast".

Just looking at the number of responses on the various threads, i realize this is no longer a site about oil and gas. Pity, another one bites the dust.
There is little to say about oil and gas right now

Other than staring into our crystal balls trying to foresee the future / speculating what the political situation might do to it / all of us.

Why spend the interim making enemies and discrediting the site by turning it into a political echo chamber? There are hundreds of real political sites where fun can be had. I suspect admin lets it go on because they need the clicks to support advertising revenue but it takes away credibility.

SSC, Sorry to tell you that the oil and gas industry in our country very much depends on the upcoming presidential election. We that have interest in oil and gas (Land owners) and others need to voice our concerns and share info regarding the candidates who are fighting for power over all of us. Like it or not.  

No it doesnt. It is a commodity. It goes up and down, always has, always will. Bye.

To each his own.

Also - our freedom of speech comes into play.

Speak your mind and inform one another as members of this site.

Those who don't want to contribute shouldn't.

But, don't tell us to sit down and shut up when we make the connection between Oil and Natural Gas development and Politics and then decide to contribute to discussion.


O & G is right now 100% about politics, regardless that fact make you uncomfortable.  Hillary believes in AGW (do you even know what that IS?) and Trump does not.  Hillary will govern accordingly, severely encroaching upon our prospects going forward with her ridiculous wind turbines and solar farms.  Trump will not.  He will instead act to bolster domestic O & G production, which means more and larger royalty checks for us and a better country overall, one based on reality and not insanity.

Is there anything out there today more obvious than the above?  Could the situation be any more clear cut?

Not a chance in hell.


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