How do the Gas companies organize their drilling locations and what stategy can the landowner take to maximize their position?


I am in NW Wayne county and see Hess aligning dril locations from PA/NY border to Starrucca to Orson in a straight Line. What should be derived from this, if anything?

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Umm I am not sure if this really helps, but if your dedicated to go looka t leases and maps and find out whos around you, you could may use this stratgey to figure who you should sign with in order to attempt to increase your odds.. So my lawyer said they only drill NW to SE thats they way they have to run, because of the land they way I looked at it was well my neighbor thats above me in the NW direction that as you come down my land is directly SE of that, then you might want to sign with that company...then look wt who is SE of you as well and consider, well they could put a well on my property and run it this i am going to siogn with XYZ company to increase my odds, also the more people the merrier, if your already on board see if people around you are unsigned and maybe tell them about your company that you signed with so they can have enough land to justify putting a well on that property...these are just ideas that could help but in the end, its hard to figure out waht makes it worth it to them

I was at Chesapeake's Dog and Pony show in Laporte the other week. It was very informatable around that area. Yes, they are drilling NW & SE. Most people think in a radius from a well site. Not so. It is a quadrent of about 1000' wide consisting of 3 wells about 200' feet apart, going out 6000' + each way, NW to SE. So each quadrent is 1000' wide X 12,000' long. The quadrents are all side by side and end to end. "No one will be missed" They had an excellent presentation on how the drilling process was done. I have a contact name. I'll see if they release that. That all said.........they were also clear that all information concerning the quadrents, gas excrations, etc.. was all propritary. Meaning, only they will know the pertant information. It will be that way until 6 months after the well is in production. Then they release what well or wells your part of and  how your well's is producing. Don't shoot the messenger! Before you go there.... It was also said that everything is Very heavly regulated and in the concern of those 6 months of production, Yes you will be paid in full for every cubic ft. "Your first check will be your largest"

As for strategy, add in that you should get a good lease with a pooling requirement, so that if the gas company cannot pool you with your neighbors they must sell your lease to a gas company that can.


Otherwise you could become a donut hole int he middle of a unit and have your land's gas siponed off.  (PA law is bad here, it allows this sort of stuff).

It depends on your acreage.

If PA gets forced pooling tiny holders may get something and large holders may be harmed.


As a small holder we were able to get a lease (but no well yet) because we were extermely lucky being in the border between Chesapeake's area and another company and bordering a big landowner group and having a low ball offer from one of the gas companies or land companies...


If you have a large acreage things are different, maybe consult with an expert or get into a group?  people with 100s or 1000s of acres could be talking about several million dollars, so paying a consultant would not be out of line here.  Get a lawyer too, to make sure everything is honest.



WikiMarcellus has some info that may be useful to you:


Not sure what the landowner can do about it.



Thanks Tom!  We are having cables laid out to check fracking and are near the south end of what i assume will become a unit...I was woried out subdivision would be left off, but seems they can go very far up to 9000 ft.


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