I would like to know if anyone has sold water for bottling to a company? Or if anyone knows how much we should be asking for it? We have both spring and deep well water and I am not trying to sell it on here..Any tips would be helpful

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       I have several springs and have thought about using the water for beer making or bottling. My neighbor tells me it took several years for someone he knows to get approval to sell water. I seem to remember that was the company in Salineville.

Based on that neighbors low probability of being right, I would do an internet search to find out if the FDA is involved and go from there. I have neighbors that give me information that would have been good info 10 years ago, but not today, so I take their advice with a grain of salt.

Building a micro brewery would have the additional problem of getting a liquor license as compared to bottling water for drinking.

Back in the 1980s I had the grand idea of buying land in NC and bottling water, but I never took the leap from working for the man and going to work for myself. I found paying the IRS 16% of my income for Social Security more than I could bear, so I continued doing the same work.

In the 90s I knew I had missed the boat when we went to war in Iraq and needed water as much as needing ammunition.

You might check the FDA for approval. I seem to remember seeing the PA Dept Of Agriculture written on a lot of food products, which could be another source.


      Thanks, Pa. Department of Agriculture sounds like a good start.. Learned about how to sell coal and timber from my dad and this site has been great for O &G. But water is a whole different thing, we knew way back there was water but a few years ago had some test wells drilled for coal and hit a gusher, had to have cement poured to plug it and it still bubbles today. Figured time to sell before the local watershed of federal government tries to grab it up. We as land and mineral owners have got to hope this coming election gets us a POTUS that wants to see American energy come first

I was going to sell bulk water for drinking in the late 80's. At that time we toured a bottling plant in south eastern WV that won the best bottled water in the world contest a few years in a row back then. They were netting a nickel a gallon bottled. Bulk water at that time brought a dime a gallon. Same year Polar Water bought a spring surrounded by a 1/4 acre with access in PA for $365,000. Good Luck


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