In the Mt Vernon title in the Ohio landowners I cam across a post of a meeting about drilling. See

 I have made numerous comments that are not making headway against a group of ant frackers there. I received this MAYDAY CALL! 

Michelle Warthen-Chapin 1:03pm Feb 22
Help me out the dogs on my the drilling issues in knox county...why is it that we don't see more supporters out in the forefront sticking up for the industry? ticks me off...there are tons of opposers out there willing to run there mouths..but where are the supporters to fire back at them? wish we had more to fight the fight with us. thanks for sticking up for me on the issue! :)

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There are a few people making comments favorable none that I know of from here but it would be nice to see them join GOM

I checked and it seems to be a great that could use more support.  Also information like is helpful.  The information is out there, but hard to get the anti people to read or accept because they don't want to.   I would like to see the anti's on the DEFENSE.

That is why I donated to the fracknation, getting a movie out there that dispells all of these lies and fears would really help the industry.   Don't know why these gas companies don't donate money.   But if they did, the anti frackers would just say it was a company paid for movie.  Kind of like their movies!

Looks like fracknation could be what the doctor ordered.  A factual documentary on fracking without corporate backing to counter Mr. Fox's "rubbish" (in effort to keep it PG I see I reverted back to my younger years and stealing a word from one of my numerous scoldings from granny).  Count me in.



Here's  more good info on fracknation, plus Mike Knapp's blog is always interesting and could be recommended as 'required reading.'


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