In the Mt Vernon title in the Ohio landowners I cam across a post of a meeting about drilling. See

 I have made numerous comments that are not making headway against a group of ant frackers there. I received this MAYDAY CALL! 

Michelle Warthen-Chapin 1:03pm Feb 22
Help me out the dogs on my the drilling issues in knox county...why is it that we don't see more supporters out in the forefront sticking up for the industry? ticks me off...there are tons of opposers out there willing to run there mouths..but where are the supporters to fire back at them? wish we had more to fight the fight with us. thanks for sticking up for me on the issue! :)

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Dear Billy

If you really want to "engage" with those people (anti-frackers) then, perhaps you & Michelle could try and form a group of "pro-frackers" - but most of our positions are - "If you wallow with pigs, you're going to end up looking & smelling like one."

ANTI-FRACKERS DO NOT WANT TO BE "CONFUSED" BY THE FACTS ABOUT FRACKING - their agenda (and minds) are not going to be changed by engaging them in any factual or education debate and/or discussion - so you are spinning your wheels (and wasting your energy) by trying to address their "issues".

The law, economy & politics will, in the end, prevail - and cleaner energy sources will be sought, researched, obtained & utilized. There will be protests, industrial accidents & technological advancements - but Natural Gas & domestic sources of Oil will be found, developed & drilled.

...and the ranting of the anti-frackers won't even amount to a blip on the radar screen of history.

So save your breath & find another way to deal with your prosperity (like estate planning for your royalty income).  The best revenge is always "Living well" !

Happy Shaling !

 Todd thanks for the input, but public opinion can be a very powerful tool for the anti frackers to use. I think we all used to think that the anti smokers were just a blip., Nazis were just a blip at first.

  Sitting back counting money is a historically foolish thing to do. A lot of landowners sat on the rears only to find the Wind Fall Profit Tax in the 80s was not a profit tax on the Oil Companies but was a well excise tax that  penalized them more than the oil companies! 

  The article has a reporter that undoubtedly reviews the comments which will likely be used in her construction of another story. Do we need to even consider the possibility of a BAN? NY has one! Ohio landowners have to much at stake  to  just sit back!


This rather hurts ! "

Michelle Warthen-Chapin 8:11pm Feb 22
nothing to email..i give up..they think they know it all..even though they are not working in the field...they will believe what they read..the don't know first hand..they haven't drilled one damn well in their entire family has.No one else wants to stand up to them..i can't do it alone."
 What is this  hundreds of reply's to one anti fracker in here and here is a fellow pro drill being ignored! 

Tried to help...only got one page of the story and couldn't get to comment section. Sorry!

It sounds to me Billy that the oil companies need to suppy the remedy of whom they want to represent at those meetings....not the job of Lessors....but it is up to the oil companies to state the facts of what they have and convince the people that have an issue with the fracing.   Most of the oil companies have cheated several people in the mad rush to frac...even those people that have accepted that even thoush the royalty is low they realize they cannot do anything about it....or they have been placed into a unit (regardless of how much acreage) without any Pugh clause or special provisions to protect themselves.   So many Lessors are not real happy with the oil companies (esp. with their lease) and refer to them as worse than used car salespeople (which I think is a poor label as I used to sell used depends on the person/the salesperson not the majority of the salespeople).  

 So to find someone that really supports fracing is most likely going to be a person that works or has worked with a oil company or has a fair amount of royalties to look forward to.    That's my opinion.   I think some people are wanting to see what the oil companies come up with in response to see more about the subject themselves rather than just accept the old, "well it isn't a problem, we  know attitude".   They want facts/data...and they want to be convinced....and they want to know what the community plan is if the oil company procedures/techniques fail.    It's too late once the BP spills in the ocean...and they already know that these oil companies are moving at a fast pace without full regard to the planning within the community.

 VG the Tobacco companies were labeled as the big bad tobacco companies, this tactic is being used by the anti frackers also. In NY right now fracking is being banned on the local level in case the moratorium is lifted. A moratorium gives them time to do it locally in the same fashion as the anti smoking movement operated, after local bans they go on steroids! 

  For anti frackers they dismiss any info from the BIG BAD OIL COMPANIES. We are not the big bad oil companies. For some of us we have had wells fracked upon our property with no effects. We know and should say so. 

so what were/are you looking to do?   get comments on this post and send them where?  

or going to a meeting?  or sending a petition?   what help are you looking for at this forum?

I responded on why some may not want to get I could at least respond to your call for help.

BTW...they still sell tobacco last I heard...didn't even go on a moratorium but they did put a lable on the package.

  Comments in a newspaper blogs are seen by the public . It makes a low coast avenue to advocate for a position. For an example the American Heart and Lung, the American Cancer Society gets editorials through press releases. If you never looked at the comments afterwards you will notice  a concentrated postings in favor of the press release as the press release was coordinated through their email alert. They will garner the viewers attention way before they get to the opposition. The result is to induce a view point upon the viewer. 

  I have already ran into a anti fracker at a meeting, however he stood alone. He will be joined by others at the next meeting rest assured.  As was stated in the comments at they have a "DREAM TEAM" meaning they are a coordinated group. 

  Take action, comment, write a letter to a editor, call a legislator you bet ya. 

A media company is trying to make a movie showing the facts about fracing.   This company wanted to make the film in responce to the gasland movie.  They were upset about all of the lies in that move.  They are asking for donations to finish the movie.   If interested, their web site is 

I I had a bit of lease money I would donate some be kinda of neat to be part of a Oscar nomination lol


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