Information wanted on Sale or Lease Offers for Oil, Gas & Mineral Rights in Erie County

I own acreage south of Corry, PA and would appreciate any information on the value of the oil, gas and mineral rights in southern Erie County.  All information deeply appreciated.

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Adameck#1 was the first deep well 7200' that just completed drilling in Greenfield Township not very far from Corry.  Results are not yet pubic.  Go to and click on Pennsylvania and you will see that they are not buying mineral rights in Erie County.  I own land just 4.5 miles from Adameck#1-270 acres.  Eventually they will get to Erie County but the Point Pleasant/Utica right now is getting the play.

The results of the Adameck#1 well are not public yet but they are actively leasing more land in that area.

How to assess that is a guess they are not paying upfront money just offering 14% royalties but at least they spent a lot of money and are wildcatting for oil, I have information they hit gas but I hear nothing solid about oil.  They are pioneers in Erie County and I for one welcome their participation and wish them the best.

There testing was done by Weatherford.  Have patients.

About 1 year ago Rexx was offering $1,500 per acre and 15% in western Warren county.  They were looking to pick up bargains and fill in holes where they already have a lot of land held by production (shallow wells).  Nothing going on lately.  I think most are waiting for 3,000 to 5,000/acre and 18-20% royalties.  Rexx is focused on Ohio right now, they are in no hurry to get more up here.  Just wait it out, keep up to date with this site. Join a few of the county groups to hear what is going on around you.

Thanks for the information and advice Jed.  It is much appreciated.


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