Ingraffea Concedes Anti-Fracking Bias, Admits He Has No Experience Whatsoever With Shale Development

The God, The Guru of the "fracktivist" movement admits he is biased (against shale development). And that his work is all based on computer modeling. He has no education or experience in oil and gas development.

The attached article is a snipet of his testimony, given under oath, in the court case involving land owners in Dimock, PA (The trial in itself is a sham, but let's save that for another discussion.)

This is important because so much of the anti oil and gas development movement is a sham and based only on biased conjecture or biased opinion. There is no rel science backing the claims of the "fracktivists"

On this site our own "Chicken Little" (PH) has cited this mans bogus  work numerous times.

So much for my rambling, read the testimony for yourself at the link below:

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This story revolves around the (faux) controversy in Dimock PA.

Here is another article that deals with that story.


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