A documentary crew  will be visiting Youngstown next week. One of their points of interest is the instant millionaires.

They would like to speak with some land owners that have received large sums for bonus payments. If you live within driving distance of Youngstown (or would be willing to drive further) and would like to be interviewed please let me know. They are also interested in the landowner perspective of shale development. They have been viewing the comments on this site and like what they see.

You can send me a message on this site.


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Thanks Fang,

How about some others ? Anyone want to be a star ?

I would be up for it, but I am not what they may be looking for.  I am Beck class action material, not millionaire stuff.  However, Beck is a multi millionaire due to his treatment of 275 landowners in MC.  Maybe they would like my perspective.


They may be interested in the perspective of some of the issues that landowners face. Your situation falls into that category.

I'll ask when they get here. I know you live south of us, maybe to make the trip worthwhile you might know some folks willing to tell their stories. About their bonuses or other subjects.

I need another way to contact you

Friend me again and I will give you some info.  Sorry, but I unfriended you awhile back when nothing seemed to be happening with GMS and USA.


Yes it would make a good story.

I have two landowners who want to discuss their negative experience. We can always use more.

I would be happy to be the third.

Interesting that everyone with a negative story to tell is coming forward yet people that became shaleionaires are remaining quiet. Only natural, I guess.  When one is getting a half mil a month in royalties one doesn't go public with that as it puts a huge target on your back.  From family to friends to neighbors to co-workers to total strangers, they all treat you different and have different expectations and sometimes demands. (Note: I haven't reached that pinnacle nor expect to as my land holdings are way too small)

Lots of landowners have become millionaires but they wisely choose to remain low profile. Sudden wealth solves a lot of problems but it can create just as many, some of which are even worse. Its nice to dream of such wealth but we all should consider the potential negative issues that come with it.

But I don't this thread to get sidetracked on such a discussion. (I started a separate discussion on this subject to keep this one on its intended  tract)  Just keep in mind there are lots of people that have benefited greatly and most will choose to stay behind the curtain.

Mark officially I got the go from the higher ups to speak to the media as Ohio Land Management Co.


Great ! your perspective should be valuable.


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