I saw that there's a permit for Warren township, Jefferson County, Ohio. Does anyone know what site this is for? Is it for the Creamer Well? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Found my own answer - yes, it is for the Creamer Well. I went past there recently and there was a little earth moving going on for the entry way and some Chesapeake warning signs posted so finally our township is seeing some action!

We have unleased property close to that site. Any additional information would be appreciated .

I don't know much but here it is: (hopefully it's accurate as I have been known to make mistakes!)

There appear to be several wells planned around that area: the Creamer (well county road 15), The DelVecchio well (warren ridge), The Pasco well (marked on the ridge road and the road to pugh's farm), The Jones well (county road 14), The Weirton construction well (Dallas Road) and the Davis well (county road 16). The markings are on the road and tag-sticks are poked into the properties nearby the road markings. So I have been looking for the permits to be posted and the first seems to be the Creamer well.

In this Sunday's newspaper ( I buy all 3 so not sure which one they're listed in), there were the latest gas lease signings posted. (also not sure how long it takes to get from the actual agreement signed to it being published in the paper). There were quite a few posted for small acreage (under 10 acres or so) who have signed with CHK in the Warren twp and Wells twp area. Smithfield twp seems to be Hess territory.

Also, there are markings for pipelines all around. Both for the MarkWest ones for the Cadiz plant and some others (not sure how the gas co uses these pipelines).

Hope this helps some. If you are not leased it would be a good idea to look up info on this site to make sure you include in your lease (and what to exclude, too). This is alot of commitment for a long long time so maybe even check out a gas/oil lawyer.

Wow sounds like things are starting to move. We have an attorney it's just seems like Chesapeake and Hess are not leasing at this time. We have a little over a hundred acres if you leased and have a contact person I would appreciate any help.

I don't have a contact person to recommend. In my opinion, even if you have a lawyer it's a good idea to do research about the company you lease with and what items you want in a lease. This site has a ton of information about leases. "Good" Oil and gas leases are still new to our area (as opposed to those from a few years ago) and so is the actual production part (well pads, pipes, etc.) so most everyone (including lawyers) are learning more about what being tied to a big gas and oil corporation for a long time involves. Just MyHumbleOpinion. It might also be a good idea to check out a well pad site if you haven't already or at least one that is being developed to see what a landowner might want to consider putting in their own lease.

It's true leasing has slowed down but your property still has the resource (gas/oil) in the ground and they will want it eventually.  Right now, in our area this business is still in the early stages. Also they have their hands full trying to save all the 5 year leases that are expiring so these will need to be in a unit that is in some stage of production. So new leases may not be a priority for them at this particular point in time. Again, IMHO.

The Creamer Well (CHK) is going full steam ahead. It is a couple of miles from our place and we can see it above the tree-tops now!

Any clue if Creamer is "wet or dry" gas? If not when do you think it will be made public?

Why do you think they pulled out so fast? The rig by pine valley sportsman has been up for 4 or 5 months it seems.

On the ODNR website the permit is listed as "Cap to Horizontal Drill". Rumor has it that they are coming back in December to frac. Maybe when that happens we'll hear if it's wet or dry or what.

Also Global Geophysical was in the neighborhood asking for directions. So things are moving along around here.

It would be nice to know if they are finding any wet gas. I can see it from my place as well.

I can see it  from my backyard, looks like a city at night.

I measured as the crow flies and it is 1 1/3 miles from our place.  Can't believe that just this spring we were driving to well pads to get a glimpse of what they'd look like and now we have one right here!

Makes you wonder which well pad site will be next. I checked the ODNR site and no new permits for one of the planned wells listed just yet. Just a matter of time, though!

Has anyone heard of anybody signing a new lease lately ?


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