This is a pic taken today of the NG processing plant being built next to the Bayer plant north of New Martinsville, WV.  Mid-stream pipelines are in place with more being plowed in.  Iron workers, pipe fitters and other construction trades are working.  Steel mills and fabricators throughout the region churn out the iron work,  pipe and tubing that arrives from all directions. The pipe yard is filled with miles of pipe waiting to be placed. Plastic manufacturers wait with anticipation for the the plants completion and its first gallons of raw materials so they can build new plants nearby.  Jobs spiderweb out in all directions at each of the NG processing plants that are being built in the region in addition to the drilling, transportation and support workers already in place.  Landlords are renting at double and triple monthly rates of a few years back.  Soon naysayers and the I don't want to workers will have to move on to less expensive areas to whine.

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Well Brian, I guess you want to claim YOU provided jobs.  Oh hail the great industrialist brian woodcock who bravely signed a contract and accepted bonus money.

Great pic and commentary, Dan. Indeed, the growth due to the NG plays around the country is in spite of Obuma, not because of him. He is a consummate liar and opportunist, the likes of whom I'm not sure this country has ever seen in the POTUS.

Remember all of the media and liberal's statements, "Bush Lied!" during his time in office? Hell, he's a choir boy compared to Obuma in that regard.

Workers sought for W.Va. gas processing plant                                 Updated: May 21, 2012 - 2:16 pm   

NATRIUM, W.Va. — Dominion Resources is looking to hire up to 45 workers at its natural gas processing plant set to open in December in West Virginia. The Wheeling News-Register reports that the jobs paying nearly $30 per hour are on their way to Marshall County.

Too bad there aren't any workers with natural gas experience living in the area waiting for the telephone to wring with a job offer.  Expect to see new faces in your town.  Of course if you're a small business owner here, life is going to get better.

I attended a B2B seminar on Thursday and this nat gas development will cause an economic tsunami! The plastics, chemical, agricultural, pharmaceutical, transportation, and steel industries will explode.  Manufacturing is returning to the US, mainly because of the low energy costs. The balance of trade will greatly improve. Tax revenue will grow rapidly. The environment will be much cleaner.

I read a study that said for very job in the steel industry there will be 7 other related jobs. Thats a huge multiplier.

If Romney gets elected and enacts policies to accelerate the nat gas revolution, he will go down as one of the great presidents of our time.

This has such huge potential that even Obama, if he gets re-elected, will end up looking good as the economy grows in spite of him.


The slow march against freedom started the moment freedom became a word. The time to stand and be responsible for freedom did not just occur, it has been ripe long before any of us on the planet were born.  We all need to be on guard no matter the day or who occupies any office.  The biggest landslide of lost freedoms for us started September 11, 2001 and is still spiraling out of control.  Lust for power over other's freedoms has never been partisan.  The vote always counts but before and after we must watch that the elected's  actions are directly related to their lip movement and hold them accountable. 

I work for a refinery and the Exec VP talked with the governor.  He expects it to be a boom that won't have a lasting effect.  Yes, some land owners will get rich and will lead to a short duration trickle-down effect, but it's not going to be lasting.

Well Fang, you'll see some new jobs, but I highly doubt they'll go to local workers.


Hadn't seen your posts for a while. Thought maybe you were busy charting the astrological events leading up to the end of your negative doom & gloom world this December. Local pipe-fitters are working in the pic above and local iron workers are trying to get on the job.  I'm sure all the truck drivers, crane operators, train and barge workers didn't all just show up from Texas.  NG transmission workers have been driving white pick-ups around the area for decades.  The biggest pipeline hub in the world is in Houston, PA, not Houston, TX.  It has been under foot for decades and wasn't built by gnomes in the middle of the night. Pipe-fitters and other trades have always had local work and travel jobs within a few hours drive.  They built PPG and Bayer and welded stainless and steel pipes that carry acids, hydrogen, phosgene, chlorine, isocyanates, cryogenics and a multitude of other explosive and deadly liquids and gases and I can't recall any massive industrial accidents there.  There is plenty of local talent and enough empty land for those that relocate here to take advantage of the jobs.  Most unemployed naysayers either DON”T want to work or can't pi$$ in a bottle and pass the drug test to work. 

It's really sad the VP where you work has such a negative outlook, maybe when the naysayer management there can't make a profit anymore Korean Air will buy the refinery and you will still have a job with only a small pay cut.  If not maybe the refinery will keep you on to help cut it up for scrap.   Do you have a lot of nephews and nieces?  You sure sound like the characterized dead beat uncle that lays on the couch telling all the kids in the family and neighborhood how nothing ever works and life sucks.     

Most of the folks, though not all, who post here are part of the lucky sperm set.  They're decendents of families who decided to settle here in the Utica shale region and stayed.  One day they woke up and realized they were real life Jed Clampetts.  You can't really romanticize it, it just is what it is:  pure luck.  I've come to loath the shale gas play in PA/OH as it has crushed my own royalty stream from methane.  I long for $5 MCF gas, but the production over hang is the new reality. 

Boy, it sure seems like there are some axes to grind up there. Perhaps you could supplement your declining royalties by offering that as a service.


Sorry about your current royalty situation and being so mean.  I would guess most of us on GMS have not seen royalties from the current plays and many of us may not in our lifetime.  Like it or not we are in a world economy and NG prices will eventually adjust upward as power generation, transportation and exports come online.  We are fortunate to be in a region that billions of dollars are being spent.  There are and will be many issues to be dealt with like real estate and tax inflation, infrastruture and enviromental concerns, and state and local leaders trying to grab unjust amounts of wealth to redistribute and line pockets, but these all all good problems and responcibilities to have and moniter.  Without this new wealth future area jobs may well have been trash dump mining and cutting up what iron and steel are left in the rust belt to be barged to Chineese factories to make Chevy and Dodge pick up trucks.  At the very least now we have the opportunity, for those with the desire to take action, to turn the "Rust Belt" into the "Wealth Belt"  Have to change the tittle of the discusion now.


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