Join us today for live coverage of the Panhandle Import Reduction Initiative Carlsbad meeting

Today history will be made in Carlsbad, New Mexico as far sighted independent oil producers, oil workers and leaders of the communities hurt deeply by Saudi Arabia and the OPEC cartel say no more! There, today a new vision for America will be laid out for everyone to see and hear! For anyone near Carlsbad please please join us! But if you can't come in person our first LIVE Facebook event will take place then from 11:30 to 2:00. From Saudi Arabia and around the world and most importantly across the United States come to our Face Book page. There you will be able to see and hear the event, comment during the event, and sign up for the many PIRI live events to come. (Many thanks go to our speakers Daniel Fine, associate director at the New Mexico Institute for Mining and Technology’s Center for Energy Policy; Tom Taylor of Four Corners Economic Development; Tom Dugan of Dugan Production Corp.; Tom Cambridge of Cambridge Production, Inc.; Judy Stark, executive vice president of the Panhandle Producers and Royalty Owners Association; and John Yates Jr. of Yates Petroleum. Lastly, the great Face Book Live Tech Team , Apple, and the wonderful people of Carlsbad, NM for their convention center) Please join us at the PIRI FACEBOOK PAGE ->

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