Just imagine if they had stopped fracking, or just HVHF.  Nat gas was at $14/MCF ten years ago. It only dropped due to HVHF. And we have plenty enough to meet our needs, even in a severe winter like this.

If the anti crowd won, we would be desperately looking for something to use for heat....wood, electric, oil.....all much more expensive and much more polluting.  Some people would be dying, freezing to death because you can't move oil and coal that quickly.  And the rest of us would be hammered by higher heating bills, higher electric bills, higher food bills,, higher transportation costs.  We would be trying to decide what to pay for, what bill to ignore.

I can't imagine how high nat gas would be. If it was $14 then it might be over $20 now, perhaps higher. Electric rates would probably be double what they are now.

Too bad the press won't discuss aspect of the debate.

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Well said ! Right on the money!

Good post Jim. 

The last time an organization that didn't understand the impact of meddling in the natural gas energy business was 1968.  

The Federal Government instituted the 1968 Natural Gas Policy Act.  Prices were frozen at something like 14 or 15 cents per MCF at the well head.   This killed exploration deader than a door nail.  Supplies dwindled.

Experts predicted a severe supply shortage in the mid 1970's.  

Along came the blizzard of 1977/1978, energy shortages hit at the most vulnerable time possible. Schools were closed for weeks, factories gas supplies were curtailed, only the most necessary facilities were not curtailed.  Hospitals, nursing homes, etc.

Natural gas price de-regulation followed. By the mid 1990's (it only took 20 years to undo one piece of bad legislation) total de-regulation was effectuated.  The market forces of supply and demand drive the economics all the way, from leasing, exploration and infrastructure build out to the burner tip.

Heaven forbid if the anti frac crowd were allowed to gain traction and result in a take two history lesson. 

Now instead we have the federal gov't meddling in our medical care.  The results will be similar:  Short supply, higher prices, poorer quality, mis-allocation of resources, fewer suppliers, etc, etc.  Hopefully this can be reversed also, in my lifetime......

the cities elect the governor in pa.  and the low info voters there are about to stick it to us. the Pennsylvania democrat  committee has a fracking ban as a plank in their agenda.


I saw the poll as a positive for shale development. After all the misinformation and lies spread by the anti shale folks the poll numbers have not moved. That means those who favor development are firm in that belief.

The reason the number hasn't risen is that the anti folks are very vocal, and they still have the ear of those who may be in favor but have concerns. We who support shale development need to become as vocal as the anti people.

Perhaps we should send something along these lines to various news outlets.  Maybe call talk radio. Make people realize how we just dodged a huge bullet.

Yet, everyone was told to conserve gas during this last polar vortex.

I didn't conserve, the colder it got the more I turned up the thermostat.

Mark, Just checked my thermostat...it read 77 degrees... asked my Husband why it was so high ?  He said... the DOG..... did it !   Hmmm.... Never trust a rescue dog.  ha ha .. Got to admit... Most Dogs are smarter than some Humans !   


I actually keep the thermostat at 70.

Take, my point exactly.  It was so cold we used nearly ll the gas we had, even with all the new drilling and new pipelines and new processing capacity.  Imagine the disaster that would have occurred had the antis won and we had very little gas to begin with.

I see Bloomberg is now an employee of the united nations, put in charge of climate change. hahahaha


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