Every time you hear an anti shale representative ask for a moratorium or a review to make sure it's safe,just think of New York State and the Keystone Pipeline. Once they get their way and have the moratorium in place it will become permanent.

The Keystone Pipeline has been under review since 2007 ( and the review has actually been completed twice). This is just ridiculous. Our nation completely outfitted the army, navy, air force, marines etc and won WWII in less than five years.

President Obama knows the extreme environmental left will never approve of the pipeline. He will never cross them because they are big donors to the President and the Democrat Party, and he needs them for the political campaign of 2014.

So anytime you hear these extremists talk about safety and protecting the environment it is just a ruse. They are not sincere.

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I never said I was against exporting petroleum products.

If all you can do to try to "win" an argument is to twist someone's words around, then you lose.


I don't have to twist anything; your words tell the tale.

This is another typical anti shale tactic; once caught even twist what you have said and make that part of your misinformation.

I suggest that you go back and read what you have written, if you aren't against exports then there is no reason for your objections.


And ?

I decided not to continue this circular discussion.

You're absolutely, positively, 100% correct.  Good luck.


It's only circular because of your lack of honesty and unwillingness to defend your positions. Instead you have continually deployed the activist tactic of deflection.


Respectfully I ask why you think Roger is dishonest and a anti-shale activist? I see no where in these posts where he is being dishonest and his different point of view didn't seem to me a reason to label him an anti-shale activist. I am on this site on a regular basis and a landowner and leased to Hilcorp so I am for drilling, etc.. I see your postings everyday and you seem well versed and it just seemed you were labeling someone for there difference of opinion.


That happens to be my opinion, an opinion not just based on this thread.

I am against the export of petroleum...mainly natural gas and it has nothing to do with environmental issues. Natural gas is one of the main driving factors in manufacturing production costs.  Exportation will only increase prices domestically over time.  Keeping this resource here and cheap will allow OUR manufacturing to become more competitive in the global economy and undermine the cheap labor used in other countries to keep production costs down.

I am also against the exportation of new technologies and military hardware.

We shouldn't save all the food for ourselves, but we should limit production from our soil to offset mineral depletion.  Some countries are already considering banning our GMO produce.  I will also state that is is extremely unlikely that Joe Farmer down the road from you is exporting anything overseas.  I'm all for the individual farmer but against the huge conglomerated commercial production outfits that are putting Joe Farmer out of business.

Cuba has struggled in poverty due to sanctions and embargos placed upon on them for "not playing nice".

I thought we were in a recession due to a lot of questionable loans and defaults on those loans?  I'm pretty sure that "leftists" are not bankers and Wall street speculators though I am sure there are exceptions.

Also: You should really back off of generalization and speculation of people's beliefs.  The only leftist conspirators here are those created by your own mind.

Best regards.

those 'questionable loans'  you mention are the result of the fair housing act, started by carter,expanded by Clinton and put on steroids by barney (  there is nothing wrong at fannie and Freddie}  frank ,George bush and a rino congress.  I agree with you about your other statements but leftists/progressives/liberals   are no conspiracy theory, they are reality.


I appreciate your thoughtful comments in regard to exportation of natural gas, but I disagree. And I do not think my disagreement is based entirely on a selfish desire to be paid more for the product.

My thinking is that such vast supplies of natural gas exist in the US that exporting will result in increased extraction, with relatively small upward pricing pressure. ssince suppply will increase with demand.

And the advantages to the US in increasing revenue from exports will have many benefits.

The availablity of inexpensive natural gas around the world may encourage other countries to switch from coal to natural gas for electricity production, with many environmental benefits.


However, the decisions for allowing export of natural gas are subject to great pressure from the giant campaign contributors such as the Koch and others, who support your position.


We shall see----

The Pipeline is not needed... period..

Canadians want it.. cause it is CHEAPER for them to go ACROSS the US...

From Texas it will be SOLD TO THE CHINESE....NOT US...

Otherwise the Canadians will have to BUILD WEST .. ACROSS THEIR MOUNTAINS

to the Pacific..

There is more oil in OHIO then all of Saudi and Canada combined....

There is NO REASON.. to build a pipeline from Canada to Texas...

Govt brainwashing is at work here...

CHINESE/CANADIANS are the ones that want it.....

Pretty simple to see the big picture here....


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