I just left a meeting in Wintersville, for leasing in Jefferson County and Belmont County. A group by attorneys Tzangas Plakas
Mannos Ltd. Offered 5000 and 20% for Jefferson and approx 6200 and 20% for Belmont Co. Said the need to know by next week I f I'm in or out. Caught me off guard. went from o interest in Jefferson to anyone can join. Does anyone know what Company this may be. Fee to be paid by Company.

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Tzangas Plakas Mannos Ltd. can help ... by a natural gas or oil exploration company, you may have valuable rights that you may be interested in leasing to an ...

www.shalegaslawyer.com/public/exploration_companies/index.cfm - 

Don't let anyone rush you.  There are other companies in the play.  I have offers of 5500 and 20%.  There is another offering 5200 and 20%.  I am leaning toward the company that is drilling, not flipping.

Mat what can you tell me about this offer...?

Terry, I went to the meeting also. What we were told sounds good but when I questioned the attorney he wouldn't say who the oil company is. Only said that it was not Chesapeake.

How did you find out about the meeting? Are they still looking for leases?

They put a quarter page add in the Steubenville paper it ran Friday and Monday.

Joe Corabi is the local lawyer. I'm sure you can contact him and be included. I just would like to know who the Company is so I can tell if they plan to flip or drill.

Does anyone know of any other offers being made for Jefferson Co./ Steubenville Township ?

Terry, I  have not heard of any other offers. But when speaking to the attorney he told me the company  they negotiated with has lots of money and will be drilling wells. I am like most people, I want the money but not the messed up property. Have to think about this- not much time to think though.

Yea I think I'll get with the Neighbor and decide what is our best option. Between us we have a couple 100acres. were probably more attractive together. Both leases expired with Range Resources and Chesapeake so its probably not them.  Township line runs right between us not sure that matters, but I guess  we'll see. Like you say not much time to think about this one.

I'll probably sign up, it does provide  protection for your property and I like having the Pugh clause. My retirement is looking better.

I just hope this is not a foreign investment group selling us out to the Chinese.

What kind of landowner protection is being offered? Is the royalty for net or gross?

Have not seen the lease yet, but we were told very land owner friendly. I believe gross with 0 deductions.


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