We recently had an offer from Rex for $2000 per Acre 15%net. Has anyone gotten any offers in Muddy Creek Twp. or has anyone leased in Muddy Creek Twp.? Has anyone used a lawyer they have been happy with ? Only have 4 acres.

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Judy, That's not bad money for a few acres.  But the money means nothing without good lease language.  You don't need a local attorney, you need a good one.  There is a lot of money on the table with this Marcellus gold rush.  With money comes greed.  Don't just sign on the dotted line.  That only takes a few seconds but the misery lasts a lifetime.  Get a good lease. Worry about the money later. It will come.

Judy... I, as well as many other people in Butler County, have worked with Ron Coyer. He is very experienced in this kind of work. He is located in Slippery Rock.

Randall thanks does he charge by the hour or commission?

Judy...he charges for the work he does for you..not commission. But you would need to call for more clarification.


I spoke with Ron Coyer's office about a year ago in anticipation of my lease signing that never materialized. At that time he was charging $250 an hour which is fairly reasonable for an attorney with the experience Ron has. Here is a link to his website.


Oliver, thanks for the info

Randall thanks


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