My family owns 80 acres of unleased property in north central PA and we have been contacted by Carrizo regarding leasing our land as part of a 640 acre production unit. The offer was for 15% royalty and a bonus of $50 per acre. They have 3 wells drilled in the area and seem to be the only player in the region. Pipeline right of way has been cleared and I am told pipe is on order.

I have tried to negotiate a higher bonus and a no surface clause with little success. The agent assures me that our land is not ideal for a well site and that they have a neighboring land owner who is pad friendly so we have nothing to worry about.

Just looking for some feedback from those who have more experience with this. The bonus for me is not so critical, but not having legal assurance that our land will not be disturbed is a potential deal breaker. Additionally, we are getting pressured to sign quickly as they are supposedly getting close to fulfilling the 640 production unit at which time I am told we will be permanently locked out of any lease offer.

Thanks for the help!

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Thanks all...appreciate the feedback. Very helpful.


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