I own many acres in the edge of Warren County, just outside of Titusville that I am interested in leasing to a gas/oil company. I have 4 existing oil wells on the property that are currently inactive (these were drilled and last operated in the late 1970's). I am looking for someone or a company that might be interested in getting these wells operating again. If anyone has any information, please let me know.

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Vertical drillers active in Warren County include:

Minard Run Oil

Consortium Energy

Stateside Energy


MSL Oil and Gas


Vertical drillers active in surrounding counties (McKean, Venango) include:

R&N Resources

Galati Enterprises

B&B Resources

Wilmoth Interests

Roilwell Inc

Howard Drilling Inc


All of those companies have recently filed requests for permits in those areas.  I do not have contact information.

If they don’t do rework they could probably steer you to someone who does.



If the wells have been inactive for that long, can I assume that the leases have been terminated and you are now the owner of the wells?  If not, reactivating them may cause the leases to be extended under the old terms.  Probably not a good idea.

If you own them, you will probably have to sign a lease agreement or pay for any reworking done the wells.

You are probably aware of all this but I felt other readers should be aware of these issues.

Take your lease documents to an attorney to be sure, but it is virtually not a legal possibility that abandoned wells last operated 30-40 years ago can re-activate a lease.  If you get involved with an O&G company to develop your property, they will likely be willing to take care of the legalities of having the previous lease declared forfeited for non-production, at no cost to you, but as part of a new lease agreement.

One caveat is that if you were to try to start any wells back up yourself, you could then be held personally liable for plugging costs, especially if you received any economic benefit, i,e. if you sold oil or used gas to heat your house or other structure.  I would insist that any new lease agreement requires the new O&G operator to take over (or plug) these old wells.

I sent you a friend request with a phone number if you wish to discuss any of this further.


The person that I bought the property off of established and operated the wells as an individual. There is and never was a lease on the property. I appreciate all of the information. I have no interest in doing the work myself of activating the wells, which is why I am looking for a company that might be interested. Thanks again to everyone for the information.


 I assume your wells are located in Southwest Twp. If you email me your parcel number/info I can check with some of the operators in Warren Co. that may be interested. Thanks. esekerak@tbscc.com

I sent you the email. Thanks, Eric


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