Just found out my property is left out of drilling unit. Probably not 100 yards . Trying to find out size of unit. Test well for bp in kinsman Ohio miller well. Any information would be appreciated.

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average 640 contiguous acre's at least! is what I was told by land manager from eclipses! 

fossil creek had the Hill farm leased  sold to antero..Eclipse had my lease sold to antero..now antero has my lease it says 640 to 1280 ac. for a unit...on the Hill unit they only took something like 215 acres in the UNIT which also has some of the old eclipse leases which was also sold to antero like mine...so it looks to me like they can make any acres in the unit as they want.

No permit listed yet.

They have it marked out 1.2 miles down from my house


Just go to the local courthouse and print the Declaration of Pooled Unit.  It with be linked to the property where the pad is located for sure.

How did you find out you were left out?

Good Luck.

Not the same miller well, this one is on stoddard Hayes rd right next to rte 87.


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