
Just an FYI...  I live in southern Mahoning county in Petersburg and was just told today that Chesapeake is not renewing my lease.  I have requested the releasing paperwork to remove the original lease from my deed.  They would not commit to a timetable for that document, but said it would come in a "timely" fashion. From what I have seen online here over the last few years, this is probably all for the better anyway....Good luck to everyone else.

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Good Luck to you also neighbor.

Keep us in the info. loop (especially should you hear from other E & Ps / their Landmen).

Read Hilcorp has a presence in the northern tier and has picked up a number of leaseholds in the not too distant past.

Standing by along with ya'.


We need some of these crackers to become a reality. Hang tough brother Shaler!

Keep the faith.

Sooner would be better than later.

Good luck to all of us.

Trumball Mahoning and Ashtabula are too risky areas that will not be developed for years down the road if then

Writing for me and mine, it's all risky in our honest opinion.

The more we read and learn the more risk we perceive there to be.

We're still game, however.

We're not planning on going anywhere, so we'll just wait and see.



    If Chesapeake delays too long, search this website or go to Blogs for directions on how to apply the Ohio Revised Code to place a Release on your property(s) in the Records Department of the Courthouse.

Chesapeake has leased then sold their leases in WV, PA & OH. Delaying too long could lead to having your lease sold by Chesapeake since it was never Released.

Please let us know if they send you a Release.

I can assure you that you have missed out on a very bad experience. The news of Ohio' NGL theft and excessive theft of royalties is slowly getting out to the public. I predict indictments soon, followed by the I word that includes the letters peach and ends in ment.

One more thought, anyone who gets a Release in the mail should check with the Courthouse Records Department to ensure the Release has been or will be filed in the Records to cancel their lease.


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