Markwest and Energy Minerals Group Announces Large Gathering Project to Support Ascent in Jefferson &Belmont Counties, Ohio

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Notice that Inital startup, YE 2015. Seems everything (ROW's, permits, Crews and materials) in place for construction to start. Eventual 2Bcf/day is big.

start up date is the start of the project not start of construction .......first they need to buy right a way then they have to receive bids from contractors to do the work then they have to order the materal and get the permits then they can start construction so it probably wont start being built til late 2016 at the earliest   if everything goes right for them it will be probably 2017 0r 2018 before the system is could take a couple years for them to acquire all the right of way  alone ......look at other pipeline projects and see all the problems they are having putting a right of way together so they can start construction    and what happens if acsent goes belly up

Great news for southern Jefferson and northern Belmont county. It would be nice if gas prices were higher but we are pleased to see all this activity.


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