Membership Moratorium


Congrats to Steve Gorrell who became our last member approved before our membership moratorium takes place on GMS. As with anything, there is a tendency for folks to abuse a tool. On GMS, we have seen an uptick in posts that don’t exactly encompass what GMS is meant to be. So, starting today I will begin to analyze who we want our fellow members to be and how to deal with those who we don’t. In the meanwhile a membership moratorium will be put in place. Once I feel confident in the new membership policy, the moratorium will be lifted.


At 14,000 members we have a nice group of folks who are largely considerate of others. But, as often is the case, there are a handful of people who will abuse it. In order to make sure GMS continues to be a useful place to visit, we will get a handle on it.


With that said, non-members are welcome to continue visiting the site to read the posts, but membership will be reserved for those that have proven themselves to be valuable and considerate members. Of course, there will be disagreements on a host of topics, but the goal is to keep things productive and largely civil.


Please send any thoughts, concerns or opinions to



Keith Mauck


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A very good decision..

James Troyer

This is a great site for sharing info. Thanks for keeping it that way

Thanks, I've met many good members here and learned alot from them. Clean it up Keith. It has gotten crazy lately.

You gotta do what you gotta do.......

Excellent move Keith!

Thank You!

Alright.....I'm sorry for calling some nameless people Trolls, had a little fun and laughs with it and just got bored without being able to figure out where were the energy discussions.  Plus Jock Strap called me a midget and Jasper (shhhhh...don't tell him he is a cat, he thinks he is my heir) and I get very sensitive when someone makes fun of our heights.

Admirable and honorable Keith.

Kipling: "If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise

very good moVe I am sure there are lots of members like myself that have stopped replying to threads on here

Keith:  productive move on your part to keep postings appropriate and "to the point."  This is an excellent site and I've learned a lot, like so many others.

I know the time and effort can be great keeping this site running - cudos to you!


Thank you.  Most of us came here for information and for that this site is invaluable.  I joined because it was really nice to talk to and listen to people who are pro-drilling.  That enthusiasm is still the best part.


Years ago I had a specialty retail and service store.  The majority of my customers were great people but I would occasionally get strays who would think they had the right to do and say what ever they wanted no matter how inappropriate with complete abandon of any respect for others.  I would politely tell them that they were in my store and property and it was not that far removed from me inviting them into my home and since they failed to have any respect for others they must leave and never return. Throwing the bums out was not only better for me but also my employees and customers.  This is your site to regulate as you see fit.  Thanks again for a great venue for all of us to share and monitor the development of the shale!  

Thank you, this site is great for exchanging solid information and educating all of us.


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