Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas Development Are Low and Continue to Rapidly Plummet.

One of our frequent contributors to this site continually spreads misinformation about oil and gas development and production.

Recent posts have focused on fugitive methane emissions implying that these are increasing and pose a significant health risk. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As the production and use of natural gas increases, fugitive emissions have declined and continue so. The primary reason is more efficiency by operators. These folks don't want leaks any more than anyone else. Lost methane means lost dollars; methane lost in leaks cannot be sold.

Increased methane leaks is a fallacy. One perpetrated by the extreme environmental left to instill fear into the unsuspecting public.

The dishonesty is disgusting. For more please checkout the links below.

Notice how the articles are based in fact not hyperbole, rumor and fear mongering. Please also notice that the authors fully cite their sources, reliable sources. Unlike our extremist "friends" who rely on faux journalist and "scientists".

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this is the information I mentioned in my reply to you.


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