Is anyone familar with the above organizing acreage in the Clarion/Venango counties to lease, to be 5 year lease at $2,500/acre with no restrictions on formations?

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No but other leasors have paid that amount and even more. As high as $3750 per acer for ten years.

I have talked to Mid- Atlantic about depth restrictions, was told told to e-mail changes for them to review.

I know nothing about Mid-Atlantic but I do know leasing. Do you recall Range Resources trying to extend leases that rain out by enrering on the property. Even without a permit. I caught it on Mrcellus but where and when. You can lease varios sands and levels.


I think you might be talking about Mid-Atlantic Land Services LLC (not an oil & gas producer) that is being discussed in the link below?

Yes, I signed the lease with changes made by my lawyer, to become very land owner friendly. 2,500 (5 & 5 years) an acre, 15% royalty at market value after cost production. It is no longer with Mid-Atlantic it is Tri-Energy. 180 days to pay. Gibson says only 60 days.


Scott Austin

can you share what changes were made? thanks
What I can remember, Utica and Marcellus only,  no warrant of minerals, liability clause, non disturbance clause, better offer reworded, royalties changed to 1280 unit size, what I can recall. I added the addendum


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