I recently posted a COMMENT OBOUT  a P.S.A. THAT was sent to us by A.D.M.Energy!!!  This was in no way to down grade the Comp. itsself !!  Just that things dont add up and not in full written info.  I called and they want to hit me with slander !!!!  If the pepole cant put things in plan black and white than we will have a dissagreement !!!  

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      O&G companies need to be exposed to the landowners in order to protect those US Citizens that Trust them when they are not worthy of being trusted.

I hope they don't put that slander threat on your permanent record.

Trust me when I say "Trust no O&G company or their associates".

O&G companies are known for strong arming landowners who typically scare easily when threatened.

We have a landowner in Ohio who got a lawyer and filed a complaint. The lawyer said his case went to PA courts. Now since when does an Ohio Landowner file a case in PA?

The lawyer more than likely sold him out to his producer. That producer told the landowner that he needed to sign a document that he would never sue them  or they would sue for $1 Million and take his farm. He signed something, but I bet it wasn't what they told the landowner the document was for.

The truth is that the landowner is being stolen from by his producer. I doubt that the producer could have sued this landowner while they were stealing from him.

The Moral of this True story is Don't be intimidated by O&G companies, they have been stealing from US landowners since the turn of the last century. It's time that we sue them and file criminal complaints in addition to our law suits.

Do an internet search for the Hope Christian Fellowship vs Chesapeake Energy Complaint/lawsuit for an example of theft.


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