Landowners Alert:  Hello All...... Now that your property is leased, or in the leasing process, be cautious........... THE VULTURES ARE ZEROING IN YOUR MIneral Rights and/ or Royalty purchase per acre.........  DO SOME REAL RESEACH PRIOR TO CONSIDERATION OR SALE........ this can be worth unknown Thousands, millions or billions of dollars for yourself and future generations!~.........BE CAREFUL!

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Monbel, Your right everyone needs to be careful & make sure a QUALIFIED oil & gas Attorney reviews every piece of paper pertaining to their property or mineral rights before they sign. There is a group in Monroe county that took 1.5% of their groups royalty for life along with 2% upfront, The reason was to oversee the lease? But they are not Attorneys to protect the land owners if the driller breaches the contract they can't sue and they are not even qualified to Audit the Oil company and are not doing that or sending reports to their group on those results. , and now they are contacting individuals & groups on here by e-mail to try to get them to add on by signing that agreement to pay them the same amounts yet refusing to allow them to know what the offer was that already closed or to review their lease until after you signed their contract to pay them,

    Then when we annouced our agreemnet with Lensman they sent another e-mail to feed the landowners to them?  Those e-mails were sent confidential so unless they ok or dispute this I will honor that & not post unless they say its ok. then I can and will post the enire e-mail strings on here along with their so called value adding agreement, Do the group leaders agree that I can post those e-mails?

Again I echo what Monbel posted, Trust no one with your familys future even friends & family, Educate your self, Verify all the facts & offers & utilize professionals to protect you from the Vultures that are definately circling.

I have been contacted by what I think is one of those vultures.  I have a copy of the contract they want me to sign.  It seems as if it is a forever contract for my mineral rights not just oil and gas.  I have posted it here on this site but have gotten no comments on it.  I am not really sure how to contract an oil and gas attorney.  If you are interested please see the post "Limited Term Royalty Conveyance"


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