More American Gas production to Europe equals no World War THREE with Russia: An urgent call for negotiations

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Dr. Dan Fine, distinguished energy scholar and MIT graduate, John Byrom, PESCO Business Development Manager and Chris Hunter, 4CED Consultant were presenters at an Energy Markets Briefing on Tuesday, June 21. Panelists were moderated by T. Greg Merrion, Chairman of Merrion Oil and Gas.
Dr. Fine spoke about the war in the Ukraine and how it might affect the U.S. and possibly the San Juan Basin as European countries, especially Germany, look for natural gas and oil resources for their energy needs. Although the war in Ukraine is a regional conflict, Dr. Fine believes it could escalate to a more global war if not careful. Dr. Fine also shared his concerns about the conflict beginning to materialize in Southeast Asia between Taiwan and China. 
John Byrom shared insights into the emerging hydrogen markets and about PESCO's manufacturing capabilities. Chris Hunter updated the audience on developments with hydrogen and other energy related matters. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE->THE FULL LECTURE

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San Juan Basin ? All eyes are on Haynesville and Marcellus 

Tough watch , but always looking to learn ... The video was a promotional for the Basin , which fell out of favor along with the barnett and fayettville .... The Industry to date has spoken and moved elsewhere to more profitable plays ..... One comment caught my attention was that drilling costs have risen by 40%!!!! There will be a lot of pain when the energy price pendulum swings to lower prices ........

Doesn"t make any sense?


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