Greetings! I am new to this forum. My family and I own several relatively large parcels of property in Perry County, OH. Columbia Gas has already contacted us about burying portions of their Leach Xpress pipeline on more than a mile of our property. We've also been contacted by an individual who's interested in buying about 100 acres where the pipeline will go for a family farm. This individual understands how the easement works and seems to be fine with the arrangement. My question is, does anyone know of any other pipeline projects "in the works" in Perry County that could be possibly located near the Leach Xpress? If so, it might make sense (and cents) for us to hold-off on selling any of the property in case other pipeline(s) are being proposed in that immediate area. Thoughts? Thanks!

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I am not aware of similar projects in the area.

I have to contradict myself. Kinder-Morgan came through last year and also requested permission to survey in the same time frame that Columbia did. I have not heard anything back from KM since the request, other than their crew did come through after I granted permission.


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