An account from someone on the ground.

The protest site was up off 287 & north of 220.  Make a left on Dam Run road.  It is a very heavily drilled area.  Road was an old forest service road not too many years ago but you can see now, industry has spent millions to make a very good paved roadway into the area for their own operations.  The funny thing is, most of the area is already drilled and fractured.  There isn’t even a drill within miles of the area, nor is there a pressure pumping crew anywhere around.  Best I can tell, the only thing going on up there beside wells under production is a new compressor station. 

I guess between the uptick in traffic to the area and it being the first day of spring, these hippies decided it would be a good day to cost the industry many thousands by holding nearly 100 workers from accessing the many sites up there.  I have reports from my crew that they were chained together at the road blockages with sticks, rocks, logs, pipe (likely stolen from area contractors), and other debris barricading themselves on the roadway.  

It was interesting to sit there looking at the pictures and count the things they were using, driving and wearing that came from responsible oil and gas development.  Plastic water bottles, nylon parkas, rubber shoes etc.  Such hypocrites.




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EARTH FIRST  -  (we'll drill the other planets later)

Impeding the flow of traffic , jay walking, creating a public nuisance, endangerment of property by blocking a roadway, sounds like ticket time.

In our community, there are a group of environmental extremists try to form a "Community Bill of Rights" and they use the model case where fracking laws were put in place in municipalities as their incentive for other environmental initiatives.

Doing some research behind this "Community Bill of Rights", I discovered that the Occupy Movement seems to be involved and behind this initiative.

This suggests to me that our rural towns are being infiltrated by these movements for agendas beyond the scope of the issue at hand.

O&G is one of the best things to happen to rural PA, it has brought industry and jobs that will "fundamentally Transform" our state (as long as we, the land/mineral owner get our fair share of our mineral wealth from production) and provide generations with work and prosperity to raise families.

It's disheartening that these groups who by and large have no skin in the game want to come in and interfere with progress and our good fortune.

The unfortunate thing there is a real imbalance between The Gas Companies and the Land Owners.  Progress is what we were all hoping for when they offered to come into our Communities!   Until we have better laws protecting the landowners and their land there will be no peace.

I am and have been for Gas,  the more Chesapeake harms my home the more I hate them!  The sad part is they created the air in out County.  We welcomed them into our homes and they are taking it all from us!  How much would it cost them to fix the wells and the water they have destroyed?  It is obvious how Chesapeake has cut costs but tacking ungodly fees on our mineral rights checks, just imaging how much Chesapeake has saved by leaving chemicals and pollutants that are probably worse than the Bell Land Fill in New Albany!

Until The Gas Companies own up and pay up and clean up the crap they have left us with there will be NO Happiness , no Peace!  Everybody wants our gas and NOT have to pay for it!  Thank You America!!!!

It is NOT right!

I agree Darlene. Note my comment in parentheses.

It just sicken me because People say things and until you visit , talk to the farmers, talk to the local people you should shut your mouth and get it right!  They have NO IDEA the power push this is on the American People. It is just one more thing pushing us to Second Class Citizens, seems we have to abide by different laws then the Gas Companies and our Politicians!

I have seen the good and the bad of the Gas and they are heading this in a very bad direction.

I do believe the people in Bradford County will not continue to allow these people to destroy us. I have faith and I have faith in Garth Everett, Tina Picket, Mr Clintock and the others that are fighting for the people!  I am sure they are sick of me , I do not agree with all they say (that is our American right) But I believe they fight for balance and what is right!  

We know there are laws that need to be changed but first and foremost the people have to ba able to pay their bills and be told the truth!

Now, I said I agree with you Darlene as I put in my first note. My concern is the outside groups that capitalize on the problems in communities like yours and mine to further their agenda. They take advantage of us in our time of weakness for their own end.

I have not faired well in the gas boom. I don't blame anyone but myself (and a woefully incompetent lawyer) at the time we signed our lease.

PA is trying to right some wrongs to landowners regarding royalties with recent legislation. Industry has always had a tumultuous relationship with communities over the years until things even out.

With respect to damage to homes, there is no answer other than have all those who have damages be represented by legal council. Business knows liability and, it may take time but, the gains you make now will pay for generations to come.

I don't for one minute want to minimize your loss. I only advocate to be weary of these outside groups with an ulterior motive.

Oh yes I agree totally.  Thomas the thing I really should just not care and the reason being my husband got the property in our divorce.  I have mineral rights and I get some money that is not the principle.  My husband did not want me to complain about the methane but I did. , and I still do because I love my home.

Besides,  my point is I love Pennsylvania there are really good people and they are hard working and they deserve to be treated fairly Especially when their lives have totally changed. 

The home thing is a water issue and an environmental issue.  Until  the State start overseeing the Gas Companies better nothing will happen.  Unless the People scream!  That is something that ill be dealt with eventually.  I complain because  the damage is there, hey I am not the one drinking it , I should say Oh Well!  There are a lot of people whose wells get water from the same springs!.

I also know that they have to fight for themselves.  I think I started my petition we will see, Pennsylvania also has to want to I am letting them know my experience. 


And Darlene,

I always advocate to have some power,behind the threats. In other words, get a group of injured neighbors and hire a good lawyer. It will get the companies attention.

This levels the playing field and makes people behave on their best behavior, takes the emotion out of it. You can supplement the effort with public opinion.

Let's see how the state makes out with the royalties issue.


Have you had an opportunity to read the Community Bill of Rights ?

If not, when you do it will scare the life out of you.

The people behind these bills are anarchists.

I'm all to familiar. Yes I have and, I'm only trying to for warn those who will most likely be inundated by "concerned citizens" from who knows where wanting to help in these communities that are currently working through issues with the O&G companies.

Thomas - greetings. There ARE 'extremeists' everywhere...including the G/O Co.'s. ...just a devil of a different stripe...

THIS is just what they are hoping for - complete stupidity & 'in-fighting' (I'm right - you're wrong) sort of silliness that will keep EVERYONE's mind off of the real issues...being how they truly have EVERYONE up OIL CREEK without a paddle.

It's stupid. We're ALL going to 'loose' - ARE 'loosing' by our own pettiness. They are just sitting back, watching, laughing & letting things get torn to shreds while they go to the bank AND charge us for doing so.


I can see through some of the fog now...getting stranger ALL the time, isn't it? Have you read through this? I knowthat you know about these matters, but the noose round the landowners necks is getting tighter...Pro-Landowner Royalty-Deduction Bill Passes Out of Committee: See h......

Keep them busy over they won't notice what's happening OVER THERE - until it's too late...quick - give me a Tardis!

As one light lights another, nor grows less - so nobleness enkindles nobleness.


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